Makeup Threesome [MFM] [str8]

– Would you mind if she spent the night, man?

I didn’t expect that. Five days into our trip across Europe, Jimmy and Lindsay had a big fight last night and just made up this morning. Last year in high school does that to you. All of us being between 18 and 19, an unknown road in front of us, relationships coming into adulthood…

Lindsay and I had a bit of history, if you can call it so ; she was into me, being flirty, making openly sexual allusions, but being young, dumb and shy, I missed my cue and she found comfort in Jimmy’s arms. It was cool. We all had been friends for six years now, they were good together… I was sincerely happy to see them go quickly over yesterday’s ugly fight. Now, two days before flying home, last leg of the trip, two same sex students bunking in each hotel room, they didn’t want to be apart and I could hardly say no. Lindsay comically looked at me from under his arm, mimicking “please” puppy eyes.

– Yeah, sure guys, no problem! Just behave, right?

– We’ll keep it quiet, promise.

After hours class (part 3) [fiction] [MF] [MILF] [Teacher]

A few weeks passed after my hotel encounter with Mrs. K. Finals were just around the corner and I had a ton of work awaiting. I had a hard time concentrating (and spent a lot of time masturbating) but she made it a little easier on me by sending me a short and clear message (she had every student’s contact informations) : “Focus. All good things come to those who can wait. And who work hard for it.” Then she basically shut me out.

Finals went by, for a couple of difficult weeks, and I was worried enough to have my mind taken off a bit of Mrs. K.’s heavenly body. We finally met again for her exam but she made a point of acting like we barely knew each other past the student-teacher relationship. I went through the test, feeling I did alright and left with fingers and toes crossed.

The last test was finally done and I crashed on my bed on a friday night after some drinking with friends when my phone buzzed ; Mrs. K. just messaged me.

“Time for you to relax a little”

After Hours Class (part 2) [fiction] [MF] [light BDSM]

I held my part of the deal. Mrs. K. surely has been convincing. After that first round of personal tutoring, she completely ignored me and may have been more distant than she ordinary was. I worked my ass off and the last test of the year got back two weeks later. I smiled from one ear to the other : a straight A! I caught Mrs K.’s eyes but she seemed to look right through me. I smiled a little but she didn’t show the slightest interest in me. I swallowed my disappointement ; did she fooled me? Oh well… My senior year was nearly saved and I had the opportunity to frolic with a gorgeous woman. Ain’t too shabby. I was ready to leave the classroom when she called after me.

– This came for you, she said giving me an official-looking envelope bearing the college’s logo.

She left without another look. I opened the envelope and found a single piece of paper with an adress and what looked like a room number followed by “9 p.m.”. My heart started to beat a little faster. Of course. No late class today, we could get caught here. Risky is exciting, suicidal is just plain stupid.

After Hours Class (part 1) [fiction] [MF] [light BDSM]

Mrs. K. was my favorite teacher in this last year in College. She was a cute brunette in her forties with curves to die for and a smile that could brighten your whole day. That was when she was smiling to me, because I wasn’t the brightest lightbulb on the chandelier. My interest was more directed towards her body than her teachings. She was a regular fantasy material of mine.

Her class was the last of the day, pushing late into 7 p.m. to compensate for a missed day. She was as gorgeous as ever, wearing heels over black stockings, a tight skirt just short enough and a blouse turned nearly transluscent by the bright neon lights. At some point, she came next to me to answer a question and by lowering herself offered me a dizzying sight into her cleavage. Her perfume was sweetly tingling my nose and I couldn’t take my eyes off the curve of her breasts, peeking at the lace of her bra.

– Are you listening?