Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 5 – Noisy Night / Quiet Morning [MF][MF]

Ch 5 – Noisy Night / Quiet Morning


Over the long summer at the Burrow, Ginny and Harry had come up with a routine for mornings, and today was no exception. An hour and a half before Mrs Weasly got up, Harry’s alarm spell would woke him and he slid out of bed. As quietly as he could, he snuck out of the room and over the the bathroom. A quick piss later, he stood in front of the mirror and gave himself a quick freshening up with washrag and then softly slipped back into bed after disposing of all his clothes on the floor. With an hour til Mrs Weasly normally woke up, Ginny’s spell went off and she gently shook herself awake. Leaving the snoring Harry in bed, she headed to the bathroom to get herself ready as well. Some mornings she would use the loo, yawn and slide back into bed, both of them waking again with 15 minutes til Mrs Weasly’s alarm, but today was not one of those days. Entering back into the room Ginny dropped her robe and slid in naked next to Harry.

Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 2 – The Confession [FF]

Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 2 – The Confession

[Chapter 1 Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s1gtza/harry_potter_and_the_flat_of_fornication_chapter/)

[Chapter 1 Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s2ae2q/harry_potter_and_the_flat_of_fornication_chapter/)

The party in the Burrow was a massive success. While they all had been told that the party was for Mr. Weasley, it quickly became apparent after they all arrived, that the party was for them, for Harry, Ron and Hermione. A lot medals and accommodations had been given to wizards and witches after the Second Wizarding War, including a number of students. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny had already been given their own at a very special ceremony, but apparently they were getting another. By the end of the night Harry and Ron were pretty sure the ministry had just been looking for an excuse to throw a giant party, and who were they to say no.

Well, one of them should have at least said no, to something that night. Every guest seemed to want to toast or have a drink with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Hermione had started bowing out after dinner but the boys kept at, and were more than a little drunk by the time guests started leaving. With cleaning underway Hermione and Ginny laughed about the state of the men. “They’re not going to be of much use tonight” Hermione said with a laugh as she whipped out her wand and began to assist Mrs. Weasley with the cleanup.

Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 1 The Surprise – Part 2

Chapter 1 – The Surprise – Part 2, Part 1 can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s1gtza/harry_potter_and_the_flat_of_fornication_chapter/)

Hermione couldn’t help but grin as Harry rushed by her desk on the way to the elevators. As soon as he was out of view, she stood and smiled at Ron and they both began to pack up. Living with Harry was great and the design of the flat, along with a few charms and spells, provided more than enough privacy. Well, at least for most days. As much as Ron and Hermione loved a good romp on the bed, they liked to have fun in other places as well. Showers, kitchen, the stairs, and Hermione’s favorite, the living room, basked in the sun coming through those giant windows. And with Harry heading off to the Burrow early to meet Ginny, she and Ron were going to put that time to go use.

Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 1 The Surprise – Part 1

This story is based in a post Voldemort HP world. You can read the setup [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/s0rtsg/harry_potter_and_the_post_voldemort_life/). Short Recap… Harry, Ron, and Hermione are living in a big flat in London together as they start jobs at the ministry, Ginny is back at Hogwarts for her last year. This got a little long so I am splitting the chapter into (at least) 2 parts.

It had been weeks since Harry had last seen Ginny when he got an owl that mad him happier than he had been since she had left. Ginny had gotten special permission to go home for a party her parents were throwing. They had all gotten their apparition licenses together just before the start of school and was given permission to go down to Hogs Mead after classes on Friday and apparate home for the weekend. Harry was ecstatic and wrote back to Ginny to let her know that we would request to leave work at the Ministry early on Friday so they could sneak away to the shed and have some ‘quiet time’ before everyone else started arriving to the party. He also let her know that he would plan on staying the weekend at the Burrow as well so they could spend more time together.

Categorized as Erotica

Harry Potter and the Post Voldemort Life

I am looking to start a new Harry Potter Universe set of stories. While I am planning on writing both I am trying to decide if to start down the darker or lighter path first. Below is a universe setup description and some details about where each path would go. If you want vote in the comments for which path to work on first.

The Universe:
After the fall of Voldemort life for Harry, Hermione, and Ron changed overnight. Celebrities overnight, they were given credit for their final year of classes and acceptance into the Ministries intern program. Hermione, of course, went back to take her tests in person and attend the last month of school, while the boys did not. With Ron and Harry set to join the Auror’s program and Hermione joining the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, the all headed to the Burrow for a summer off.

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