Friday [MF]

“It’s Friiiday.” Michael didn’t know how Jess did it, thread the needle between making normal sentences sound like celebrations and threats. He typed away at yet another email as he heard her pad into the room, the words lingering on her tongue as she clapped her hands down on his shoulders.

“Yes, it is. And *I’m* still working.” He tried to make the concept sound serious, an effort he knew to be futile. Jess leaned down and nibbled his earlobe, long hair trickling down his face onto his chest as she giggled.

“But *I’m* not, and that means that you have to entertain me.” Jess felt the goosebumps on the back of his neck under her fingers, leaving her head on his shoulder as he tried to keep writing.

“Entertain you? Or punish you?” Another giggle from next to his head, that lyrical sound tinged with savagery that had drawn him across the bar towards her on their first meeting.

“I’m not sure you could *manage* punishment, you’ve been off your game for so long.” She pressed the button with barely contained glee, feeling that predictable tension grip his shoulders. That may have been a statement easily disproven with a recording of events that had happened only a few nights before, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t work.

Categorized as Erotica

Time Out

“I just don’t understand how I’m going to get all this done.” Sharon said as she whizzed past her boyfriend in the kitchen of their apartment, pacing like a champion and really getting into the thick of her anxiety spiral.

“You don’t have to do any of it.” Jack said from his seat at the table, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the dark wood and taking a sip of his beer. The back and forth carried tired yet familiar tension of a discussion that’s happened dozens of times.

“Well she’s not going to be able to do it herself, and I’m not going to let her lose her car, or her house.” Sharon whirled as she said it, making another run around the table before Jack had finished his next sip.

“Your sister needs help, but that doesn’t mean doing *everything*. We can head over there this weekend, nothing is going to happen before then. You’re going to run yourself ragged. She has a husband, it’s time for him to do something.” Sharon rolled her eyes, but stopped in front of Jack and sighed. He took her hand, pulling her towards him and looking into her eyes.

Categorized as Erotica

Coffee Break

You stumble to the end of another meeting that should have been an email, muttering a weary “Thanks, everyone” at your equally annoyed coworkers before leaving the meeting and heaving a sigh.

How does a week feel so long, right at the beginning? You’ve tabbed back to your email to see who needs what when you hear my steps behind you, feel my hands on your shoulders.

“Coffee break.” I murmur, my hands slipping down the front of your shirt to your chest and teeth clamping softly onto your earlobe. Your breath catches as I start to unbutton your shirt, brushing away your protests with a low chuckle.

“None of that is urgent, and you know it.” I swivel your chair around towards me with a flick of my wrist, taking your chin between my thumb and forefinger and aiming your face up at me. You open your mouth, the same obligatory, people-pleasing, “but they want a response right away” speech ready to burst from your lips, but I fill it with my thumb.