(f)it to be tied

She had been planning it for a while now. Sasha knew her boyfriend’s birthday was coming up and she knew just how she was going to make it memorable.

Tomorrow was the day and she had everything needed for her plans. She was home alone and had it all laid out on the bed in front of her.

Rope, check. Blindfold, check. Gag, check. Noise canceling headphones, check. Satin sheets, check. Oh man, this was going to blow his mind. She had even made a cute little ‘use me’ sign to put on him for pictures while he was all tied up.

Sasha had shown some adventurousness in the bedroom before, but never taking anything this far. He was going to be so surprised!

She had a couple of hours before she had to do anything. The cable guy was scheduled to stop by and figure out what was wrong with the internet, her roommate’s little brother Steve was coming over to get the beer he had left in the apartment after their last party. Then, this evening, Sasha and  her boyfriend were going to go out for dinner and a movie.

Your trip [f] to Holly’s house [MMF]

Your trip was great so far. You had some good and fun conversation on the plane with your friends.  That night, when you got to Holly’s house there was good food, wine, and more catching up. The next morning, you and Holly got up early to go for a run.

It was a great day for running, a little hot, so you ended up wearing just your sports bra and some shorts you borrowed. As you ran, you had some more fun, talking and joking. As you were just about done, a very fit looking guy, jogging with no shirt, ran up beside you and said, “Morning Holly! Who’s your friend?” After some introduction, it turns out it was Holly’s neighbor. During the last few blocks, you look over occasionally and notice he seems to be checking you out. You feel a little self conscious because your outfit is probably quite revealing.

He invited you both over for coffee as you were doing your cool down walk and Holly said “Sure!”. She leaned over to you and whispered, “hopefully his coffee is as hot as he is”, which you both chuckle at. As you enter his place you catch a glimpse of yourself in a full length mirror on the wall and immediately know why he kept looking at you. Your shorts leave little to the imagination and, damn, you are looking good.

Categorized as sexystories