(Consider this part two for my previous post regarding the Rebis Inn, where your gender is what you decide~)
After such the exciting welcome, it was time to actually leave my room and introduce “Megan” to the world. At least this isolated shard of it. I found that once again my heart was thrumming with anxiety. With a deep breath, I imagined myself back in the board rooms and convention halls I was so often pitching in. It was oddly relaxing, like the whole “imagine them in their underwear” trick. I wasn’t exactly a hard sell either, given the changes that occurred and tight bikini I ordered. My pert nipples looking like they wanted to bore straight through the fabric with how hard they were. “I’m still in control. You got this, man.” I told myself before opening the suite door. The hall was empty, this was a fine start. I closed the door behind me and began the long walk down and out towards the hot springs Kurt pointed out.