Her Boyfriend’s Brother [MF]

They had been together for about 4 months and were basically living together at this point. Always spending the night at each other’s places. They spent the majority of the time at Natalie’s house because of the extra space. She had met Tom through a mutual friend and after a few dates they became a couple. They had similar goals and interests. Tom was a nice guy, successful, stable, and handsome. He was unlike the string of guys Natalie tended to date. She usually attracted the kind of guys you don’t settle down with, but she was turning a new leaf with Tom and was determined to make it work.

Tom mentioned his brother was coming to town and asked Natalie if she wanted to meet him. “If you don’t think it is too soon, I would love for you to meet my family. My brother comes through town every once in while for work and it would be nice to have dinner while he is here this Friday,” Tom said. Natalie said she would love to and the plans were made. She had never been to the point of meeting a guy’s family and was nervous about the whole thing. She took her time deciding what to wear and cook. Tom reassured her that it was no big deal and everything would be fine. She wanted his family to like her because she cared about him and could see they had a future together.

Her Lab Instructor [MF] [cheat]

Maggie sat down at her spot on the first day of the new semester. Each semester they got a new instructor. When David walked in, Maggie immediately felt a fluttering in her stomach. He was tall and handsome with sandy brown hair and attractive, masculine features. Maggie realized she was staring and quickly looked down at her hands. He introduced himself to her lab group, they shook hands and Maggie held on to his hand for an extra second without meaning to. He was one of the youngest instructors, Maggie estimated he was in his late thirties.

They got to work on their assignments and he came around to each student for a one-on-one session. When he got to Maggie, she presented her work and he went over every detail with her. They hit it off immediately, making jokes and laughing. Throughout the rest of the semester she found herself moving in closer each time he talked to her and extending their conversations beyond schoolwork. She had a crush. Maggie had crushes all the time, as everyone does. She dismissed her feelings knowing that she was prone to romanticing things. She had been married for 5 years, and at 28 years old she always joked that “just because she already ordered, doesn’t mean she can’t still look at the menu.”

Hotel Room Mix-up [FMM] [cheat]

When Nancy found out she had been assigned to share a room with two of her male professional school classmates she thought “no big deal, most hotel rooms have 2 beds, the guys could bunk together.” Nancy though she would have her own bed, it was only two nights. They get to the room and quickly realized there had been a mistake as their eyes all settled on the one king bed. They all tried to play it cool, they were friends and this wasn’t a big deal.
Nancy was a little excited about the circumstances and then immediately guilty about the feeling as she put herself in her husband’s shoes. She did this often when her imagination got away from her. “How would I feel if he shared a bed with two women?” she thought. But even this trick, that usually extinguished her appetite, did not work. She was excited, she didn’t want the issue resolved. She wanted to know what it was like to share a bed with two men, even if it they were just friends.