A flaming hot reencounter with a redhead friend from college

Hello, everyone. This is my first story ever, so any constructive criticism is welcomed. I am pretty proud of how it turned out. Enjoy :)

It was another really tough day at work. My company was in the process of expanding abroad, and I had do extra hours, crunching numbers and doing financial analysis. It was extremely boring and exhausting, but the pay was good and I didn’t have any other option. I looked at the big clock in the office wall, which marked 18:50h, and decided to call it a day. My but and legs were sore after seating for almost ten hours straight, only getting up to use the bathroom and have lunch. The first few steps were a bit of a struggle and I could feel the tension in my entire body. There were only two other people left. I said goodbye, and they nodded their heads as a response, with their eyes still glued to the computer screens. I looked at myself in the elevator mirror, and though I had aged ten years in a single day. My eyes looked tired, my hair was greasy, and I couldn’t remove the frown on my face, no matter how hard I tried. I got to my car and drove home as fast as possible. On of the only advantages of working late is that there is almost no traffic when you go home, so the trip only took me five minutes.