An Insatiable Tongue [MF] [str8] [oral]

You lead me up the stairs, not bothering to turn on the lights on the ground floor because you left a light on in your room which provides enough illumination for us to see where we’re going, as well as enough light for me to admire my view of your body from behind as we ascend the steps. I’ve been longing to get you alone all night, to feel your soft skin pressed against mine, to explore your contours with my hands and mouth. The feeling only intensifies as I watch you deliberately switch your hips, causing your skirt to sway back and forth while you climb each step. My gaze lowers, my eyes trail down your legs, and I take in how smooth my favorite part of your body looks. I love running my hands down them, wrapping my arm around them, wrapping them around my waist, and especially parting them slowly…

A Late Night In The Library [MF] [Str8] [oral] [exh]

I shift my attention from the book I’m reading to your hands as you scribble and strike out something on your paper frantically, shaking the table that I’m sitting across from you at. My gaze continues upwards and you look up from your work, locking eyes with me momentarily before letting out a frustrated sigh and looking down again. Your reading glasses are slipping down so you push them further up the bridge of your nose. I’ve always thought that glasses only succeeded in making a girl sexier. Your hair is pulled back into a ponytail. I’m distracted by the outfit you have on; you unzipped your hoodie a couple minutes ago and now your lowcut tank top is revealing a good amount of cleavage. I look back down at my book and try to focus. After making it through a couple lines, I start to think about what it would be like if I crawled under the table, slipped my head under your skirt that goes halfway up your thighs and ate you out. My eyes shift from my book again and I look at your face, imagining what it would look like as you tried to hold back moans and squeals in this library we’re studying in. The thoughts are getting me worked up so I shake them and return to my book.