[MF] Love and War and Love (Ch. 3)

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11bv8bx/mf_love_and_war_and_love_ch_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) | [Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11glxz3/mf_love_and_war_and_love_ch_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

Amara’s scream had turned into a whimper as I crashed through the door of her bedroom. I saw her sit bolt upright and nearly jump out of her skin as I spun from corner to corner. There was nobody else in here – and judging by her reaction, it had been a nightmare.

“I’m sorry!” she wailed, confusion in her voice. She was covering her face from the glaring light off the bottom rail of my pistol. I slapped the light switch on the wall, then clicked off the weaponlight and lowered my sidearm. She lowered her hands slowly and blinked a few times – only for her hands to shoot back up and clap over her mouth. Her eyes were as big as saucers. After a beat I realized that I was nearly naked – I slept in a pair of tiny workout shorts, and hadn’t wasted time putting on anything else.

Her hands remained over her mouth as I saw her eyes sweep up and down my body. She was rapidly turning beet red. I felt a flush creep over me, though I had no idea why – I was certainly no stranger to women seeing me in my underwear, and I knew how good my body looked. So what was different now?

[MF] Love and War and Love (Ch. 2)

| [Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11bv8bx/mf_love_and_war_and_love_ch_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) |

The drive back to the safehouse was mostly silent. Boz’d had the foresight to slump down on the street like any other addict, so the remainder of the enemy forces – whoever they were – had blazed past him en route to the ambush site without a second glance. He’d gotten up, got in the truck, and come the long way around, picking us up a few clicks from the target house. We’d moved on foot that entire way, expecting with every ragged breath to get shot in the back. The three of us (plus Amara) were a hunter-killer cell, not a platoon of infantry. Nobody had any illusions about being able to stand up toe-to-toe in a gunfight against multiple technicals of enemy combatants – not without air support, at least.

The drive was only *mostly* silent because there was a flurry of discussion in the beginning about what to do with Amara. We’d been about to drop her off at the nearest police station when Hooch realized that whoever had trapped the target compound with those hidden cameras had seen her face, too.

“Alright, looking for bright ideas, here,” he’d said. “What do we do with the girl?”

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[MF] Love and War and Love (Ch. 1)

*This story is a slow burn. I hope you find it worth the wait.*

We bounced in the back of the Land Cruiser as Boz steered us down the road, weaving around potholes and craters. The potholes were mostly new. No matter how much time I spent in this place, I would never get over the endless patience of the locals, who pain-stakingly filled the potholes with sand, only for others to appear the very next day. The craters were mostly old – the result of shelling from one of the wars. Wars so numerous that we sometimes debated, when we were bored, whether it was in fact just one, long war that had been going on for pretty much all of recorded human history.

Boz ended up driving most of the time, as he was by far the most insane behind the wheel, meaning that he did the best job of blending in with the local traffic. Our truck was bedazzled – for lack of a better term – with the most staggering array of local shit: a rug on the dashboard, stickers covering half of the windshield, and a bunch of CDs on strings, dangling off of anything we could tie them to, which reflected the setting sun.

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