Liz and Bobby

A pair of empty nesters find the best wood at the local big box store.

This is a sex scene divorced from its’ story. Public/ almost caught.

Bobby and Liz pulled into the lumberyard at the local big box hardware chain store. The young man at the guard shack looked at the receipt. “Building K” he said, already starting back into his phone. 

“You mean J?” Bobby clarified.

“Whatever man,” the kid replied, not bothering to check.

Bobby drove through the yard, pulling his truck into the drive through lumber shed. “Come help me with this,” he said to Liz, as he unbuckled his seatbelt and popped open the door.

She looked over at Bobby, seeming confused.  She brushed her brown hair, tinged with grey, away from her face. “Is it that much?” she asked, before unbuckling her own belt and getting out of the truck.

The pair strolled through the building, and Bobby led Liz up a wooden stairway the the second level of lumber stacks. Liz paused at the sign that read employees only, but Bobby walked right past, confident in where he was headed.

A Special Occasion – Ordinary Life in a CMNF Utopia

CMNF theme

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief as the airplane taxied to the gate.  He had a fear of flying, and after two weeks of traveling he was glad to be home.

The two stewardesses on the small jet disappeared behind a bulkhead, and emerged a short time later, completely nude. The plane made the gate, and Daniel made his way to the exit, thanking the two women as he left.

Inside the airport, female passengers stopped to remove their clothes, stuffing them into carry on bags, before walking through the airport naked.  Daniel eyed a well dressed women who was looking around nervously, before slowly removing her blouse.  Apparently she was an out of town business women intent on making the right impression.

“Welcome to Neologia,” Daniel greeted her politely.

“Oh, thanks,” the woman replied. “I’ve been to Neo before, but I still get butterflies in my stomach every time.”

“It’s all part of the fun,” Daniel said, moving on while loosely waiving goodbye.