I’m too young for sex :( pt. 19 [fM]

Mom grounded me all weekend. Apparently my penalty kick to Dan’s balls almost cost him the left one. When she told me, I busted out laughing and that got me two more days.

So Joe and I spent four days stalking around each other. I was sore as hell after my virgin conversion and he was so hard up I bet he went through a whole bottle of hand lotion before Sunday.

I was glad to get back to school on Monday until I found out that Lydia Jenkins had set her sights on the apparently available Mark. The worst part was that Lydia, unlike Sophie, was actually nice and very funny. I was in choir with her and she was the easygoing leader of the Alto section. In an unexpected moment of solidarity, I realized both Sophie and I spent lunch glaring at Lydia while she made Mark laugh until milk shot out of his nose.

I couldn’t actually complain. He was my *secret* boyfriend after all. We hadn’t so much as glanced at each other at school for weeks to keep it a secret. And despite my confidence that he truly cared about me, in my heart I knew that there was no way we could work out long term. But that didn’t mean I had to be happy about it.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 18 [fM][first]

By Wednesday I knew something was up. Our private prep school thrives on scandal. The beach bust had fed the gossip mills for the last couple of weeks, but since Mark had taken Bethany and I home the three of us had been largely ignored.

Joe’s involvement and parental house arrest was discussed as much as Camden’s sudden departure to an all-girls boarding school. There was actually a betting pool on who the next *what’s her name* would be when his grounding was up in two weeks.

When Bethany’s name showed up on a copy of the pool I found in the girls’ locker room, I figured it was someone’s idea of a joke. Then I noticed groups of girls whispering together would stop when I walked by. I finally figured out what happened when I was on my way into the lunch room. My brother grabbed my arm and pulled me into a side hallway.

“What the fuck, Steph? Who did you tell?” he hissed.

At first I was confused, then it was like a light went on and I saw what had happened. The word must be out that Joe was hooking up with Bethany.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 17 [fM]

Maybe calling a trip to a free clinic a *date* was a stretch, but having Mark with me when we walked in made all the difference in the world. The clinic was in a strip mall near the university. It was located between a convenience store and a nail salon. The walls were a little dingy and the only artwork were posters about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy prevention. *How romantic.*

I had been to my see my gynecologist twice before. The first time was just a visit to talk about puberty and let the doctor make sure I had all my parts. The second time was after I had started having really painful periods. They did a pelvic exam to check to see if something obvious was causing them. They didn’t find anything obviously wrong. It was weird and embarrassing, but Mom held my hand the whole time so I survived.

The woman behind the counter looked up as we approached. “Yes?”

“I’m Stephanie Larson. I have an appointment.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 16 [fM]

I told Mom that Bethany and I were heading over to hang out with some friends. We shut the front door behind us and Bethany let out a long sigh.

“I’ll see you around,” she said and slung her overnight bag over her shoulder. I noticed she was still wearing Joe’s shirt when she turned for home.

“Bye,” I said before heading down to Mark’s house. I put all the drama out of my mind so I could enjoy spending Saturday with Mark.

He answered the door with a happy grin. “Come on in.”

After shutting the door behind me, he wrapped me up in his arms. His hug lifted me off the ground, but his kiss put me in orbit. His lips were firm, but yielded to my tongue. His own tongue met mine, then swept along my lips as we turned our faces to kiss again.

I felt his wiener pushing into my stomach, so I wrapped my legs around his waist to rub right against his thickening bulge. Sparks flew when he gasped in my mouth. I squeezed even harder and he put my back against the door to press into me.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 15 [fM]

I ran out the front door sobbing. I’d forgotten to put on shoes, but there was no way I was going back in my house to get them. *My brother. My lover.*

I gagged and bent over the bushes to dry heave but nearly fell over from being light-headed. I didn’t know where to go. My house was no longer a refuge.

Bethany was a stranger to me now. I couldn’t understand how someone who loved me could hurt me like she had. She had to know it would kill me. Kill us. Our bestie connection was severed and I couldn’t imagine how we could ever be friends again.

When we discussed bringing Mark into our relationship, I put it in her hands. I told her straight up that it was her call. I told her she was my girlfriend and we would only be with Mark if she allowed it. She had embraced him with me.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared around the street. No one was out. Good. I needed to go somewhere and think. Clear my head. Everything was too sharp and bright, so I stumbled down the street.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 14 [fM]

We woke up with plenty of time to clean up before Mom and Dad got back with my delinquent brother, Joe. In fact, we were sitting around the kitchen table enjoying a late breakfast together when Joe burst through the door from the garage and headed straight upstairs for his room, shooting us all an evil look.

Mark got up with a grimace and headed after him before Mom and Dad came into the kitchen shaking their heads.

“Where’s Mark?” Mom asked as she came up to the table. Dad let out a heavy sigh as he stalked into their bedroom off the kitchen.

“He went to talk to Joe,” I said. “How’d it go?”

“Well, I wish Joe had been as responsible as *Mark*,” she said. “Your father and I weren’t really comfortable with you two going to the beach in the first place, but Joe promised there would be proper supervision and no drugs or alcohol.”

“We were *all* surprised,” I said, trying to preserve a little bit of freedom I’d been given. “I heard Camden Fletcher say it was just going to be few friends hanging out at her family’s beach house.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 9 [ff][ffM]

I spun Bethany out of her damp towel and pushed her down on my bed. She had a broad grin as she scooted back against the rumbled sheets and jumbled pillows. The explosions from the video game in Josh’s room were loud enough to cover any kind accidental noises we might make. My towel tumbled down to the floor as I crawled up on the bed between her legs.

“I’m gonna fuck you,” I growled.

“Yes,” Bethany gasped as I ran my hands ran up her things.

Her small bushy nest had dew drops I licked up in passing. That made her arch her back and hum as I dragged my tongue up her stomach and between her tiny breasts. When I reached her lips, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me with an abandon that totally slicked me up.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I slid the middle finger of my right hand into her hot tunnel and ground my palm into her clitty. Her eyes closed and she bit her lips while I straddled her leg to press my weight against her. She moved one hand down to cup my own nearly hairless mons and rub her fingers on my clitty.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 7 [ffM]

“So what did he say?” Bethany asked when I returned to the lounge chairs.

“*I’m gonna cum*,” I whispered with a sly smile.

Bethany covered her face and laughed as she rocked back and forth. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Actually I caught him jerkin’ it in the shower and offered to help,” I said and licked my lips. “So I helped.”

“You didn’t!”

“Oh, yeah, I did.” I ran my hand down her arm. “He asked if you would give me a good one for him tonight and said he’d make it up to both of us later.”

Bethany opened her eyes wide and mouthed, *Oh. My. God.*

“So here’s the deal. You don’t say a word to *anyone* about this and he’ll spend some quality time with us both. You game?”

“Seriously?” she asked with worry lines creasing her brow now that her laughing fit had passed.

“It beats putting up with Mason and Trevor for a few thrills and then having them spread it all over school, doesn’t it?”

“Can’t we just…” Bethany frowned as she trailed off. “I mean, you and me. Are we… ’cause you said if Mark came in last night—”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 6 [ff][Mf]

“Okay, the sheets are in the dryer,” Bethany said to interrupt the tense moment I was having with Mark. I reached out to pull her closer because I needed her support just then. She slipped her arm around my hips before asking, “Are we still swimming?”

Mark frowned like we were a puzzle he couldn’t figure out, then he nodded. “Come on then.”

Bethany got our towels. I locked the house on the way out. Mark was silent as he led us the two doors down to his house. The last time I made this walk with Mark I thought he might care about me a little. But if he cared about me he wouldn’t have refused to be with me again. It’s not like I’d have called the police on him or anything. And plenty of girls dated older guys.

I knew his girlfriend. She was just some bimbo that laughed too loud at jokes that weren’t funny. I’d met her a handful of times at swim parties or when we got together with Mark’s family for cookouts. She had huge boobs. I glanced down at my puffies and frowned. Maybe that’s why he really refused.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 5 [ff]

We nearly got caught. Mom came up to wake Bethany and me for breakfast. When she knocked on the door I woke up fast and told her we were coming right down so she wouldn’t open the door.

Bethany and I scrambled for our nightshirts and left the door open to air out my bedroom while we giggled our way down the stairs. It wasn’t until I sat on the cold wooden chair that I realized I’d forgotten to put on my panties.

Mom had set out a breakfast of fruit, cottage cheese, and bagels. I took a sip of orange juice while Bethany and I grinned at each other over our shared secret.

“So I heard you guys giggling and yelling half the night,” Mom said as she sat down. “It’s a good thing your brother stayed over at Mark’s house.”

I nearly spit out my orange juice, but managed a drip-less chuckle. “I was teasing her about *Collen*.”

“And I was teasing her about *Mark*,” Bethany said. Her color deepened from pink to red as added some cut fruit to her plate.

“Isn’t Mark a little old for you?” Mom asked with a mock serious expression.