[Meta] Too Young For Sex is now The Summer I Grew Up

Hi! The story I drafted under this pseudonym has now been professionally edited and formatted into a novel I’ve titled *The Summer I Grew Up*. I initially released it on my Cotton Nightie Press website, but have now added it to popular story sites like StoriesOnline, Sweek, and Inkitt.

It is currently being nominated for a Golden Clitoride award for best Gay / Lesbian / Gender-Bending story of 2017. So the all-time top story here on SexyStories is gaining a lot of attention out in the world. Thank you all for your support, votes, and comments.

My original pseudonym on this sub was CottonNIghtie and I’ve been writing stories here for over five years now under a handful of other pseudonyms including friends_and_benefits, 2gay4throwaway, lizette_and_kimmy, jacob_molly_camden, hilly_and_ben, and kat_and_renauld.

My first novel, Inseparable (under Bella Chal), started right here on this sub. It’s now moved over 60K copies on Amazon and elsewhere thanks in large part to your feedback and support while I drafted it.

*The Summer I Grew Up* is available for free online. If you like it, please consider going to nominate / vote for it at The Clitorides Awards website. Thanks again and keep an eye out for a new story coming soon!

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 28 / end [nosex]

I woke up alone and heard the shower running. I stared at the ceiling and wondered if I’d made a mistake. Then Bethany came back to my room wrapped up in one towel while she dried her hair with another. The smile she gave me when she saw me awake reassured me. Then she dangled her damp hair in my face with a big grin before giving me a quick kiss.

“You wouldn’t wake up, so I showered without you,” Bethany said. She flipped her hair back and continued to work it with the towel.

“I never sleep in,” I said as I swung my legs off the bed and stretched.

“I’m sure it’s okay this once,” she chuckled. “Are you hungry? I’m starved.”

Joe and Mark were already in the kitchen drinking coffee when we made it downstairs. During breakfast the four of us kept up a happy front for my parents. Then we all worked together to clean the kitchen before Mom and Dad headed out to spend the day together at an art festival.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 27 [ff]

“You ready?” Joe asked before we got out of the car.

I wasn’t. Everything about school reminded me of Sam. It was like asking me if was ready to have someone hit my broken hand with a hammer. You’re never ready for something like that, but I nodded anyway to get us moving.

Bethany and Mark were waiting at the edge of the parking lot. I got my book bag and slung it over my shoulder and headed toward them with Joe at my side. He kept his arm around my shoulder the whole way which was about the only thing keeping me moving.

“Hey,” Bethany whispered when we caught up to them.

“How are you feeling? You eat anything this morning?” I asked. I don’t know why they called it *morning sickness* because she’d been throwing up all weekend.

“Crackers and Ginger Ale. The breakfast of champions.” Her grim smile answered my question better than her words. “I’ll survive. How about you?”

I thought I was cried out after a week, but I was wrong. Maybe my body had decided to pee out of my eyes. I wiped my eyes again and sucked in my cheeks to keep myself under control. “Let’s go.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 26 [mf]

Sam never called on Saturday and when I called her it just went to voicemail. I considered calling Simon to see if she was okay, but I didn’t want to seem too needy. Then my world came apart at 8:17 Sunday morning while I was eating breakfast alone.

*Senator Samuel Green, the author of the controversial bill to reverse the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized marriage for homosexuals, has died today along with his family in a plane crash just outside of Washington, D.C.*

The television reporter kept speaking, but a buzzing in my head drowned out his words. I stared at the picture of a much younger Sam with her family on the screen while my breakfast churned in my stomach. I sat there after the story ended with a spoon in my hand and my cereal turning to mush in the bowl.

I don’t know how long I sat there, but I eventually got up to put my bowl in the sink. I went upstairs, past Joe still sleeping in his room. When I pulled some shorts out of my dresser, I saw the empty space in the drawer I’d prepared for Sam. I shut the drawer slowly and pulled the shorts on under my t-shirt.

Categorized as sexystories

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 25 [ff]

“Wake up,” Sam murmured next to my ear. “I smell bacon.”

I stretched and rolled in her arms. While I could also smell the bacon, it was the lingering scent of our night together than had me humming as we kissed good morning.

I’d lost count of how many times Sam made me cum. Between her mouth, fingers, and my new favorite toy, my body ached in ways I’d never felt before. I wasn’t sore exactly, just well-used and completely sated.

When we broke our kiss, Sam grinned at me. “If you keep that up, we might need an appetizer before breakfast.”

“I *am* a little hungry,” I whispered as I kissed down to suckle one of her hard nipples. She responded by running her fingers through my hair and letting out a slow breath.

I’d had her as many times as she’d had me, but her body was still fascinating to me. When she lay on her back, her breasts flattened out like a boy’s chest. Her nipples were all girl and she liked me to tug at them gently with my teeth. I loved the muscles that tensed at my touch, highlighting the definition along her arms and stomach.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 24 [ff]

By Friday after school, the butterflies in my stomach were in full flight. I knew I shouldn’t be nervous. It was just Sam. It was just a dance. Mom and I sat in the living room while I put the dark blue polish on my fingernails. Mom helped me get it on my toenails without smearing. I couldn’t keep the stupid grin off my face.

“I was curious,” Mom started. She seemed a little nervous and that made me nervous. “Do any of the kids at school have a problem with you and Sam being a couple?”

“Dan and a few of the other asshole jocks tried to give us shit one day. But Simon… You remember the big catcher on the softball team? He basically told Dan he’d rip off both of his balls if he spoke to us again.”

Mom frowned, but I could tell she was amused as well. “God, don’t hurt Dan again. His mother threatened to sue us until I pointed out her *little angel* was engaged in sexual harassment at the time you nut-checked him. Once she figured out he could get expelled for doing that, she dropped it.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 23 [ff]

The weekend had been one of the best in my life, but then Monday morning brought me another pair of ruined panties. For the first time since my very first period, I was completely taken by surprise by its arrival. Usually I got crampy or moody just before it started, but I’d noticed nothing this time. Then I remembered the wonderful side-effect of having an IUD.

School that morning felt different. I had a girlfriend named Samantha Juliet Green and we had spent a wonderful weekend getting to know each other better. Joe liked her a lot, I could tell. He treated her almost like he treated his best friend Mark. Mom put her to work doing chores right along with me, which in a perverse way showed how much she liked her. Dad kept his distance until the topic of professional baseball came up. Then Dad and Sam had a lively chat about which teams were going to the playoffs in the fall.

After I hit my locker before lunch, I practically danced into the lunch room. When Sam caught sight of me, her eyes sparkled and she stood to hug me before we sat down. Some of the smirks around the table told me they knew all about us becoming intimate at this point, but I didn’t care as I dug into my sack lunch.

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 22 [ff]

I was helping Mom wash the breakfast dishes when she surprised me.

“Why don’t we call Sam and go shopping for something to wear to the dance?”

After I put the dry plate away, Mom handed me another wet one with a curious smile on her face. My heart raced as I dried the plate quickly, then ran to the house phone. The school was on our speed dial. Seconds after the outgoing message started, I punched in the code for Sam’s room number.

“‘ello?” Sam sounded so sleepy that I wished I was snuggled up next to her.

“Hey,” I breathed. “Did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but what a great way to wake up,” she purred as I heard her stretching noises.

“Mom suggested we go shopping for something to wear to the dance on Friday.”

“Gimme twenty minutes to shower and change,” Sam giggled. She was so adorable. I heard her moving around quickly through the phone.

“We’ll be there to pick you up as soon as we finish the dishes.”

“Steph,” Sam said, suddenly still, her voice overflowing with emotion. “I’m so glad we met.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 21 [ff]

I was still holding Sam when she finally caught her breath. Since it had been her first time, I wanted to know what she was thinking.

“You’ve done this before,” Sam whispered. There was no judgement in her tone. She might have sounded a little sad, but I wouldn’t begin whatever we were starting together by lying about my past.

“Yes,” I whispered back.

“With someone you loved?” she asked. Now I could hear the worry in her tone.

“I thought so,” I admitted. “I was wrong. She ended things.”

Now Sam rolled back with a studied expression on her face. “Was she the only one?”

“No.” I wondered if the rest would matter to Sam. “I was with a guy. My big crush for years. He ended things, too.”

“So you’re not a lesbian.” Again, she didn’t appear to be judging me, but I worried my answer would steal this chance away.

“I’ve never really thought about it like that. I mean, I like who I like. When I asked you out for ice cream, I just wanted to get to know you better. You’re adorable and fun…” I noticed her smiling. “And Then I decided I wanted to go with you to the turn-about dance.”

I’m too young for sex :( pt. 20 [ff]

Okay, I screwed up. My mouth got ahead of my brain, then my anger got ahead of my sense. Now Mark was going to the turn-about dance with Lydia Jenkins. Worse, he’s blind to Lydia’s agenda and was too mad to listen to my warning.

Joe bugged me all afternoon about what happened between Mark and me. I ignored him until he went away. To keep busy, I browned the ground beef for taco night, chopped the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, and then arranged the shells to warm in the oven. Joe finally came out of his room when Mom came home to set the table. Dad came in right as we all sat down to eat.

“How was everyone’s day?” Mom asked us all.

“I aced my geometry test,” Joe said, then shot a nasty look in my direction. “And Steph is seeing someone named Sam.”

I felt my stomach twist at his words. I looked down at my plate when the heat rose in my face.

“Who’s Sam?” Dad asked in his usual rough tone.

I wasn’t ready to go there, so I took a deep breath. “It’s no big deal. We’re just friends.”