Teasing Works For Us

I found this on the internet. It is my favourite so I thought I would share it. I think I like it so much because I would like my life to be like this. It is long, but totally worth it.

I have known how much power women have over men ever since I was 14. I was enjoying a year of school exchange in San Diego (I am from London), I was at a party with a friend and her big sister told me things that changed my life. She was 18, looked 21, was confident, had a stunning figure and a beautiful face and she had sussed males completely. She explained how powerful the pussy was and how to not abuse that power, but also how to make sure that it IS used to get exactly the sex WE want. She even gave an example of how to use that power before the end of the party (thats another story). She told me ways to give ME the sex I wanted but the man gained as well (I am not into abusing the power and denying men sex). The main method she taught me relied on teasing. By the time I was married, I had perfected the use of pussy power to make sure I got the sex I wanted, when I wanted it AND my husband could not be happier.