Stripped by the Head of the Student Council! (Part 2 of Stripped by the Vice Principal)

Dedicated to the 3 people who wanted a part 2. Thank you for the support I know it took long but it’s finally here.

In case you haven’t read [part one](


It was the last period, our exams were comin up in a couple months or so

But I just could not concentrate on the class. My mind was still stuck on what happened last week…

I didn’t realize I was zoned out till the teacher called me by my last name
and almost like an angel coming to my rescue Holly of all people walks in asking for me!

“Uh excuse me ma’am but may I have Mr. Cody Allerson”, she asks

“Is it really urgent?”, The teacher asked

“It’s pretty urgent, ma’am”, Holly replied

She lets out a groan & goes “Alright then, take him”, then turned to me & said “but you’re not completely off the hook young man”

“Alright alright” I replied & hastily made my way towards Holly

We make our way to the student council room where she locks the room

Categorized as Erotica

Stripped by the Vice Principal [milf] [schoolboy]

“Would Mr. Allerson please report to the Vice Principal’s office immediately”

I knew I done fucked up. You’ve never not fucked up when you got called into the motherfucking Vice Principal’s office.

“huh? Wait I think they just called you bruh” said Joe, confused as to why I would be called when it’s almost time to go home
Joe’s been a good friend of mine for the past 2 years. Actually one of the 1st friends I made after moving here

“they did”, I replied

“But like it’s almost time to go home bruh well you better go there ASAP, you don’t wanna piss of the vice principal & you live nearby anyways”

“Yeah you’re right” I replied

“But like why would they cal-”
I dashed to the vice principal’s room Before he could finish screaming “well I better get going as you said”

As I was walling to the vice principal’s room, I felt a certain pain in my stomach, a sign, an omen to what’s to come.

I had a good idea as to why I woulda been called,

Categorized as Erotica