Please be Honest, wanting to get back into writing erotica for friends.

I want to start writing Erotica, again. It gave me such a much better sexual experience and it was almost as if I were able to act out my own fantasies in them. Below, I will begin writing my latest fantasy and if you like it and want more, then let me know. If not, tell me why so that I may learn through your criticism. Thank you!

Embassy Suite Confessions

I saw an article about the topic of sexual deprivation, namely, No Cum November. I know, it sounds silly that depriving yourself from fully cumming for a month would help you in any way. In fact, I thought about all the ways I would probably suffer. I pondered the crabby, depressed days to come with lack of appetite and interest. But the article denoted almost the opposite. It hinted that one would feel a sexual awakening of sorts and that when you finally gave in to cumming it would be no short than mindblowing. Well, I started. Day 1 wasn’t terrible, but it was like this curious secret inside me that nobody else knew about. Day 2 was awful. I used the vibrator in the shower for an hour and wouldnt let myself cum. It was excruciating and I could only last about 1 minute of really just pounding my tight pussy before I had to take everything left inside of me to pull it out while I sat still but involuntarily twitching. I would tighten my pussy so hard and it was almost like I could taste the orgasm just barely on the other side of the door.