[M] The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye [Chapter 8][BDSM][Romance]

He opens the door.

She is entirely naked, open, arms tied together, legs bound apart. She is a toy for his pleasure, laid face-down so he can do whatever he wishes while not having to look her in the eyes if he does not wish. But of course, he does at the moment. He wants to see the fear in them. The concern. The false pride and bravado.

He strokes her face with his thumb before moving it to her lips. “Kiss it.” He waits until she does, her soft, full lips grinding over his rough skin before planting the single kiss. She looks as if she'll say something but then frowns and closes her lips.

“Good girl. I thought you'd have more trouble with the no speaking rule.”

He moves out of her line of sight, heavy steps making echoes like thunderclaps. He can be graceful some other time. Now he's the thing in the darkness. The eyes behind the veil. He's invincible, and perfect, and everything he can see, touch, is his.

The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye ch6 [MF][Light bondage][Shower Sex]

He opens the door.

Two of the hotel room's many lights glow against the backdrop of the city's magical night, somehow a different color of blue and black than his own. He looks out over it, taking the last piece of meat from a kabob and a sip from a cool local bottled water. “You were right about the kebab place: it's very good. Worth the extra few minutes.”

He steps onto the balcony and the air feels wonderful against his skin. Somehow, being higher up has made it feel that much cleaner, cooler as he tosses the skewer in the trash and takes the small bag of items he purchased to the “desk” before opening it up. “They had everything, well, almost, but you weren't kidding. It was the place to go.”

A bottle of massage oil is placed on the desk. Then lube, a second kind of lube, and a butt plug. Finally he takes out some restraints, soft and easy guards that go over the whole of the wrist to make the strain of them bite into the flesh less while still taking more control. He dangles those, holding them by the chain in the middle. “These, I think, you'll be very happy with. They should alleviate a lot of your concerns.”

The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye, Ch5 [MF][Spanking]

He opens the door.

The tell-tale sizzle of a cast iron skillet sings from the kitchen. Our hero, tired like he's hung over, looks in confusion in the direction of the noise, down the hallway. The entire episode seems like a dream until he touches his face and winces, his cheek still tender from her slap. Then the memory of it all seeps in, last night, the strange country, the unmitigated tyranny of the sun.

Then other memories come to the surface. Bribery and trespassing most notably. Maybe breaking and entering if someone wanted to pin that on him. It certainly wouldn't be difficult.

He heads to the bathroom, looks at himself in the mirror and observes the bags under his eyes, the stubble he had no way of removing. So he turns on the hot water, runs a small rag under it and lays it over his face, dabbing at his eyes while breathing in the steam.

After he takes it off, he looks to the medicine cabinet. It is open, just slightly, and he considers exploring. Then he remembers that this is her sanctum. He's not even been invited. Our hero tosses around various justifications before closing it all the way shut.

[Straight] The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye chapter 2 [Public sex][Blowjob][Romance]

He opens the door.

The bar is blessedly cool and completely shielded from the sun. It is smokey and dark, the way they used to be in the States not so long ago. There is a welcoming air there, tourists and their money are big part of the place he guesses from the quick glances and large smiles.

A hostess asks him if he'd like a seat at the bar with such a welcoming grin. But when he describes The Girl in the way she instructed—A green skirt, hair put up—her eyes change. Her smile falls away. Instead she only gives a nod to him, ask him to follow.

When our hero sees her, lounging the booth like a lord on their throne, he smiles despite his earlier resolve. She is much more conservatively dressed tonight, the skirt nearly reaching her ankles. The top, a much looser blouse than the dress, pretty and purple and compliments here eyes like it was made for her. And indeed, her hair done up, with a pencil through it and all.

[Straight] The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye Chapter 3 [Jacuzzi fucking][Romance]

The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye CH3

He opens the door.

The hall is beautifully decorated with a woman's touch. Curios and accent pieces hang on the wall. And as he has come to expect, finely woven carpets cover age-old wooden floors.

“Out here!”

Our hero closes the door behind him and steps into a warm, if cluttered, living room that is bathed in natural light from a dozen windows. He frowns and calls out, not knowing which of its three exits takes him to her.

“Are you lost? Do you need help?”

Outside. He makes his way to the glass door and slides it open. He's about to complain before he sees her. She is either naked, or wearing a top without straps, and is submerged halfway in a large, above ground jacuzzi. Her arms are spread out and she has a pleasant smile that's neither cunning nor open, but somewhere in between. “You should shut the door so flies do not get in,” she says. Then, after a moment adds, “…and the same could be said for your mouth.”

[MF][Straight] Lack [BDSM][A named character!?][Public sex]

“ I don't want you to wear any panties today,” the voicemail said.

Sammi looked to her phone in disbelief. She presses play and listens again. The smooth, low tone of her husband plays once more. “I don't want you to wear any panties today.” And that was all. No instructions, no I love you. Nothing to take away. She considers for a moment, then biting her lip calls his number.

No answer.

The dials again. Waits for his voice mail and tells him to call her back before putting the phone down and watching it, like water set to boil. After a moment she walks to her full-length mirror and surveys the simple, mid-thigh black skirt and bites her lip. Then, one last time, glances back to the phone in hopes that it would ring. When it doesn’t she takes a deep breath, pulls the skirt up just enough to move her hands to her beautiful, black lace panties and take them off. She discards them with a a disdainful grunt before taking a few steps back and forth in front of the mirror.

No, she thinks. This is obscene. I can't go with something this short.

The Sun, The Girl and Goodbye – Chapter One [MF][Romance][No seriously, Romance][A long build up but hopefully worth it]

He opens the door.

The heat beat down upon our hero like nothing he ever felt before. It coaxed sweat to the surface of his skin where it could nearly turn it into steam. He dabbed at his forehead with a kerchief, pushed the airport door all the way open, and stepped into Northern Africa for the first time.

After a moment his eyes adjusted to the bright, hot sun and the light that warped everything it touched.

He hailed a cab, holding the palm of his hand up over the sunglasses, wondering when he could adjust to this new found light. If she had been anyone else, anyone at all but her, he couldn't even fathom coming here. Much less staying in the heat a moment longer than needed.

The hotel was splendid and the English of the check-in girl was perfect. It was clear from the moment he entered the room that this place specialized in pampered Europeans. He hardly had enough time to park his suitcase and get in the room before his phone rang.

Cant. [MF][BDSM][Abuse][Light blood play][Alone, together]

“Why are you wearing that lipstick?” His normally kind and even voice is low, husky. Just on the edge of a growl or something more primal. He moves towards her, the entrance of the bistro, with the speed only a monster can have. And then his green eyes are upon her, his thick blond hair hardly moved by the chilling wind. His broad frame barely constrained by the sports jacket and his teeth sharp as his tone. “This is why you wanted me to meet you here, isn't it?”

She doesn't know what he's talking about. Her heart is rising to the back of her throat as she denies it, saying that it was just to–

“Shut it.” He looks around the street and waits as a couple passes, glowering at her, so intense that they both look back before vanishing. “You think I'm going to let you do this? Walk all over and wear your whore-shaded lipstick?” He's closer to her now, enough that she can feel his heat. “I'm not those little boys you've dated. You can't just put yourself on display and expect to be worked out. So I'm going to give you a chance.” He stands back up to full height and takes two steps back. “Admit that you wore the lipstick in order to get attention or I'm going to punish you.”

Sway [MF][Anal][How dare you ask me for this you dirty slut][You ever made a man so angry he fucked you up the ass?]

I told you not to thank me until it's over. And this—this is far from over.

Love is an inherently deranging effect. By it's very nature, when love comes into the heart of a person it causes them to act “differently.” To act in an irregular fashion. This framework will eventually become the new normal. The person, the deranged individual, will fall into a new rhythm as will their partner. The entity know as the “relationship” will also go about such changes.

You may be wondering why I'm talking about averages and shifts in behavior when I have you tied down, neck bound inches above the mattress, ankles and hands cuffed together with your mouth sealed shut. I grant you, this probably isn't how you expected this story to begin. But bare with me. As if you have a choice.

Love changes things. It makes you become someone new. And my love for you is just that—it has transformed me. It has made me better. So when I asked you if there was anything I could do for you after all the beatings and bruising your body like spilled paint–I thought you might say something like a spa weekend. Something like 'bake me a cake.' It never crossed my mind that you'd hold your breath, steel yourself and look into my eyes requested that we have a threesome.

Bond [MF][Shower stuff][Romance][Maybe some naughty bits][Congrats on hitting 20k Sexy Stories!]

Her hair is damp enough that even in this pale light it's two shades darker than mine.

It clings to her back, weighted down on her pale skin. She breathes heavily, but with a kind of composure. Even in this state of fatigue she keeps her wits about her. Never letting down her guard, not truly. She just trades the full mask for a smaller one and tells me it's the real her.

There's no point not giving. It's the only time you can have a woman, truly have a woman, is when she lets you see her. And that's all you'll see.

It's better not to dwell on things we'll never have.

My hand slides up and down the curvature on the small of your back, riding up and down. I stroke with one finger, two, three. I tickle a little until she gives out a small moan, my cue to resume stroking her. And I do. I try and show her I adore her with the back of my knuckles as I drag them up and down her spine. With my fingertips, as they press into her shoulders. With the whole of my hands as they cup the sides of her neck, or glide along her thighs. Or swim through that matted, dark fur she calls hair.