
In the heat of the moment I appraoched him and asked her to be my queen my love my one true person to abscond with in the night i loved him like the woman that should have been there for me as a child and when we fuck we fuck until it gets dark at night and I can feel him inside of me deep deep inside and it hurts but I don’t want it to stop ever ever ever aware of the fact that this moment will end momentarily. And then exhausted I roll over to se side and pull the sheets up to my waist. I’m sweaty. She’s covered in sweat and cum dripping down her legs and onto the sheet. My dick is sticky. I massage my clit. And mooooaaan. Moaaaan loudly. She does too. We laugh and yawn. Ehausted. Tired. Then we both roll over on your sides and stare into each others eyes because it’s l0ve and we know it we know that this is the one thing that we’ve always been living for. How dare did they deny this from us for so so loong. It’s so long. I want it inside of me. I can’t take it the dick i love heart the dick. The throbbling muscle gristle harry pussy. Oh yeah. The filth of sex is what gets me off. I hit her sofly on her face and she likes it. She chokes me a little bit. We smile. And I bend her over handcuffed and shove his face into the billow. He bites the agg. And I stick my dick inside of him and I moan because I feel her pegging me hard from behind but I can’t ove my arms are tied to the sides of the bed. I can’t get away and I don’t want to . I am in love with this situation forever and ever one person conjoined in coitual ritual. An act of defiance against their better judgemetn and feels so much more righter because of it we pursue perfection in the grimy imprefection of foolish love, young love, sex. Sex. Sex! XXE. It si what we were always alive to do to do i do i DO I DO and the wedding bells ring in my head and that anticipation that desire for love is what propels me forward what keeps our relationship going strong but i know he’ll never ask me to marry her because I’m just not that kind of guy not the kind that you take home to your parents and get them in on the action. Not the kidn that you fuck in your backyard and let the dog lick up the aftermath. I am just a stranger. a strange lover in the night in the heat of the moment we love each other just for an instant. we fuck and then it is dark. I close my eyes and when i open them she has mounted me shes on top staring into my eyes and I smile and open wide to take his fat hard cock. Oh yeah!

Categorized as Erotica

Can I give you a kiss? [FF]

“I had fun today,” I told her.

“Me too,” she said. She smiled and cocked her head a little as she looked at me.

“Let’s do something again soon.”

“Yeah, I’d like that. How about Thursday or Friday next week?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said smiling too. “I’ll text you.”

She smiled and leaned in to give me a hug. She dropped a shoulder and bent a knee, dipping into the hug a little bit. I found it to be adorable.

Anyone walking by would have just seen two girls in an embrace, but even though I barely knew her, Emma – I don’t even know her last name – she felt like everything and everyone in the world at that moment. I liked her. That much was obvious to me. But I didn’t want to move things too fast. She seemed old-fashioned like that in a way. That too I found to be adorable.

“Can I give you a kiss?” I asked.

She giggled, adorably, and then gave me a hug again. And then she walked away.

I waited a moment trying to process what had just happened before walking in the opposite direction.

Categorized as Erotica

Beauty [mf]

She told me once that she thought I was too obsessed with beauty to ever truly fall in love. I wanted to tell her that I loved her then, but I could not bring myself to do it. I don’t know why.

Was I afraid that she would love me too and that would be the end and I would have no chance to do better, to find a more beautiful girl? Perhaps. But that feels wrong to me.

Was I afraid that she would not love me back? No. I think she did love me, and besides, I didn’t often care what girls thought about me as long as I could get what I wanted.

Was I afraid that I had actually fallen in love and that I could never go back to living the way that I had lived before? I think that may have been it.

Love changes you. I believe that it has changed me, I don’t know if for the better. I don’t see things the way that I used to. When I meet people, I always feel like something is missing. I can’t appreciate the simple visual pleasure of a beautiful girl like I used to. All I can think about is her.

Categorized as Erotica