Interactive story from a woman’s perspective

This is a story that is interactive in a way. It has instructions for any ladies reading to masturbate along with it. Read slowly, really imagine the scene. The more you keep to the instructions, the more fun you’ll have. What you’ll need: just your hand. If you have a vibrator, great. If not, it’s no problem, you’ll have fun anyway. Instructions are in brackets.
I hope you enjoy the story!

(Start by getting naked, on your bed, legs wide apart, as exposed as you can. Slowly rub your clit, add moisture if you need. If you’re feeling super slutty, suck your fingers and make them nice and sloppy. If you’re not feeling that, do it anyway)

An interactive story from a woman’s perspective. My Hiking Phase [f25, m27]

Everyone goes through a hiking phase, right? Getting out into the great outdoors, reconnecting with nature, it all sounds so wonderful. I’m in my hiking phase at the moment. I’m here to tell you one story about something that happened on a recent hike. I’d love for you to have a little fun while you read this though. I want you to get any pants, leggings, underwear off you. Don’t worry, the story won’t start without you. Take your time. If you have a vibrator, go get it, have it ready. If not, just use your fingers. This story is interactive, with instructions on how to touch yourself throughout (Watch out for brackets, they’ll give you the instructions. For now, I just want you to lay back, get comfortable, get your fingers/vibrator wet, and start slowly playing with your clit).