[MMm anal blkmail oral huml] “a much desired rape” [Gay]

Here's some help of a visualization.

My cousin (We'll call him N) is 6"3'. Very muscular. Green eyes, dirty blonde hair. He's 2 years older than me.

His friend (F) is around 6"0'. Not as muscular, blue eyes, orange hair, facial hair. Around my cousins age.

Me (C) 5"7' pretty scrawny, real skinny and small, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair. 18 (changed for legal reasons.)

My mom and dad (T) and (J).

It started like any other day, I was particular horny today though. It was rainy out, and it was my parents anniversary. My cousin and his friend were over celebrating their 30 years of being married and to babysit me.

N – "Bye! Have a great time!"

T – "Ok, make sure you take care of C"

F – "Ok we will miss T!"

Me – "I love you, bye! kisses mom goodbye"

N – "what do you normally do C?"

Me – " I usually just sit in my room playing games."

N – "Ok, if you need us we'll be downstairs"