My first attempt at writing anything ever: An untitled project [Fantasy] [Sadistic] [Futa] [Rape] [ff] [murder]

*NOTE BEFORE READING. This is the first time I’ve ever taken the time to write anything and I would love to see any constructive criticism. If this is well recieved I might make this a series. ALSO A SERIOUS WARNING. The following story contains hardcore rape, sadism, futanari, and murder. If this is not for you then I urge you not read it. Don’t judge me :(

Somebody has to cater to the crazies.*


“Please. Please. I need to eat something.” the woman wheezes to me naked and face stained with dried tears. She pulls lightly on the chains binding her hands trying to break free with the little strength she has left. Her lungs fill with the heavy, dusty air that she’s been familiarising herself with for the past few days. “I don’t even know what you want or even what you are?”
“You know, I’m not quite sure myself,” I say from the shadows watching as her head can barely keep itself up, “I’ve never really seen anyone of the same race. Nobody has. I’ve heard someone call me a lizard-girl once so I think I’ll stick with that.”
“Look, I’ve learnt my lesson. I’ve learnt it four days ago. I swear I will never get in your way again. I will even help you if you want.” She pleas.