A Dinner and a Dance (F/F, Wrestling, domination, knockout, humiliation)

Chapter 1

“You’ve never won a fight? Are you serious?” Rebecca’s mouth hung open in shock. My wife stared back at her, her mouth tight with anger. An awkward silence permeated the dinner table.

“No,” my wife admitted. I could tell that she was pissed, and so could Rebecca and Mark. Elena had never been one to hide her emotions to spare the feelings of others.

“I’m just surprised,” Rebecca said, brushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “I haven’t been fighting that long, but I have three wins at this point. You’ve been doing jiu-jitsu for a year and a half and striking classes for six months, and you still haven’t won?”

Elena’s eyes shot daggers. “The competition’s a little stiffer in MMA than in your slutty soccer mom fight club,” she snapped.

Rebecca laughed loudly. I looked over at Mark, Rebecca’s husband and grimaced. This wasn’t going well.

“Slutty soccer mom fight club? So that’s all there is to it?” Rebecca said, eyebrows raised.

“Are you serious? Topless fighting? No holds barred? That shit only exists for guys to get off. An average blue belt would crush every woman in that league without breaking a sweat.” Elena gulped down a significant amount of wine, then set the glass down a little too firmly.

A Rough Day and Night (M/F, wrestling, domination, teasing, knockouts)

A Rough Day (and Night) {M/F, fiction, brutal, knockouts}

I yanked the front door closed behind me. It slammed shut and I trudged through the entry way, emerging into the living room. Elena sat curled up on the couch, a book in her lap. She looked up with a smile.

“Hey, baby,” she said, putting her book on the small, black coffee table in front of her. I grunted in reply and collapsed face first onto the couch. I felt her hand run through my hair.

“Rough day at work?” she asked, gently massaging my scalp.

“Yeah,” I replied, taking a deep breath and rolling onto my back. I put my head in Elena’s lap. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

“You’re really tense,” she said, a concerned look spreading over her face as she started to gently massage my traps.

A short, bitter laugh burst my lips. “Yeah – I’m tense. You know that case I’ve been working on for the last two weeks?”

Elena nodded, listening intently.