Success or Failure – A Cautionary Tale

Yes, of course as an adult I realize I should know better. Given that I faced being “dumped” versus finding some adult company, I chose fun. I miss being sexual, I miss sharing that with a man. Of course I would have preferred to spend all my time with just one guy, not try to craft the perfect man from a bunch of different ones. If a man can sleep around, why can’t I? All of these encounters were safe, we used condoms, and a few men even left wearing masks!

I am writing this up as sort of a memoir, as well as to recount the events of the last two weeks. This is WORDY, so grab a cook drink, settle in, and buckle up. A bit of backstory: I was planning to travel for personal reasons, and about a month before my trip I met two men online who were both very interesting, very nice, sexual… men I would normally be attracted to. However, one of these men seemed much more my type, and as we got to know each other over the next few weeks I started to wonder if the connection would translate to real life. Both of these men lived in the place I was visiting, but I made the crazy decision to ask one of them if he was interested in us staying together during my visit to see if anything real happened between us.