My [23F] boyfriend [25M] likes to get me drunk before sex

My boyfriend has never discussed this kink forwardly, but it seems like he gets really turned on when I’m quite tipsy.

The other night we had a bonfire at home, and he was constantly pouring me very large cups of wine. Once I had a few I kind of got carried away and kept drinking late into the night. By the time we turned in for bed, I was babbling like an idiot and stumbling all over the place. I personally feel very unattractive in that state, but my boyfriend was super excited and ushered me into the bedroom where we had incredibly messy sex.

I’m okay with a drunk roll in the hay now and then, but I’m wondering if this is a common turn on? I’m happy to entertain sloppy drunk sex every now and then, but I don’t know that I want to make it a habit.


My bf likes sloppy drunk sex.

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