[Bd] [nc] [Ff] An incomplete short story between a woman convincing her shy neighbor to accept her fucking

Deidrea sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone. She was half focused on her parents packing in the other room as she checked with her text messages. She was wondering if any of her highschool friends where in town for spring break, but it didn’t seem like they where. It looked like it was just going to be another boring spring break, house sitting for her parents while they took their annual cruise.
“Are you sure you will be okay?” Her mother asked while walking through the living room. “We could find you somewhere else to stay”
“No…it’s alright” Deidrea said, looking at her mother. “It’s nice being home, I can finally actually read books again”
“If you say so darling, I let Mrs. Partridge know you are going to be home for the break so if you have any issue you can run over to her place”
“Alright…I think everything will be alright though…” Deidrea said with a slight nod. “Just…another boring spring break”
“Well…feel free to use anything in the kitchen and your father is going to leave his car here and don’t feel afraid to use it”
“Alright mom” Deidrea said, just slightly annoyed.
“Just saying…you know how you like to stay in your room all day, I’m just saying, get out…do something while you are in town” Her mother said leaning on the back of the couch.
“Fine…I will…”
“Promise?” Her mother proded.
“Fine, I promise”