Breaking in the young girl, part 2 [Str8][Mf][Mdom][Fsub][oral][anal][reluc]

This is part 2 about Alexa, the young submissive girl that I was taking advantage of. I’ll link part 1 in the comments, so I’ll be brief with the intro and skip the descriptions.

So picking up where part 1 left off, Alexa was texting me after the party where we met, and we made plans to meet at her mom’s house while her mom was at work. Through our texting I learned that she was really turned on by me face fucking her in the bathroom of the party. I was really excited about that, and figured that was a green light to push it further next time we met up. She also confirmed my thoughts that she was a virgin, and informed me she wasn’t on birth control. So on my way over to her house, I picked up some condoms and lube. I had been watching a lot of anal porn, but hadn’t been with a girl that let me do that yet, and thought this would be my chance.

Breaking in the young girl, part 1[Str8][Mf][Mdom][Fsub][oral][reluc]

This is the next story I wanted to share. My first couple of stories were about sisters, and there is another story to tell about that family, but there are some more stories I should share first for that one to make sense. I’ll include the links to the other stories in the comments, so I’ll keep the intro short. These stories are a mix of fiction and non-fiction.

This story takes place when I was just out of high school, but I won’t include ages of those involved. I’m fairly tall, and at that time I was pretty fit from playing some sports in high school. I’m lucky to have a nice sized dick, at about 7″ and girthy. At the time I’ll admit I was pretty arrogant and self centered. I thought I was pretty experienced with sex, but a lot of what I thought was good came from porn and was obviously not the right way to treat women. I’m not proud of how I acted in this story, but it led to some pretty hot sex from my side.

Erica, sister #2, part 2 [Str8][Mf]

This story is about the rest of my night with Erica. Since I already covered a lot of the build up, this should be a quicker story. I’ll put the links to the first 2 stories in a comment, but I’ll do a quick overview too. I first dated a girl named Connie while in high school. Later, I started a thing with her younger sister Erica. Erica gave me a blowjob right before we went to a party that her sister Connie would also be at.

So picking up where part 1 left off, Erica and I left my house and went to the party at my friend’s house. When we arrived, the party was already started. We got inside and got drinks, and right away ran into Connie, who had been there for a while already. She gave us a look that said “I know what you’ve been up to, and I’m not super happy about it”. Sensing where that might be going, Erica and I went outside to distance ourselves. We spent some time outside in the pool and the hot tub. It was really nice hanging out with Erica around my friends. She got along with them all well, and we were having a good time.

Erica, sister #2, part 1 [Str8][Mf](oral)

I tried to post this with a link to the first story, but it was removed. So if you want to read the first part, just check my profile, it’s easy to find.

This takes place at the beginning of my senior year in high school, about a year after I dated Connie. During that year, I had become a lot more experienced with girls and confident. I lost my virginity, but it’s not really worth a whole story, since it only lasted the typical 30 seconds. This story is worth sharing for several reasons.

I played soccer in high school, and while I was not good, it did come with some great perks, which is why I played all the way through my senior year. Due to the limited school funding, my school didn’t have enough room for the girls and guys to practice completely separately. The teams shared a field, and a lot of the time during conditioning, we ended up all running together. Since it was so hot outside, most of the time the guys went shirtless, and the girls usually only wore shorts and sports bras. At the beginning of senior year, all of the guy players were eagerly looking forward to see the group of younger girls moving up to varsity that would start practicing with us.

Connie, Sister #1 [Str8][mf][oral]

I’ve been getting into reading stories on here and other places lately, and thought it would be a good idea to share some stories of my own. These stories are a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Mostly the non-fiction comes in as a basis for these fantasies, and are situations I was in that could have led to something exciting. I don’t claim to have done everything I plan to write about. Since I plan to write multiple stories, I’ll give a description of myself here, so I don’t have go too much into detail each time. I’m fairly tall at just over 6’1, and pretty lean. I was much skinnier when I was younger, and as I’ve gotten older, I put on a little healthy weight at the gym and with an active life style. I’m no body builder, but I’m fairly fit. I’m also a little above average in the dick department, at about 7″ and fairly girthy. I have brown hair and blue eyes and have a short stubble beard. I think I’m doing pretty well in the attractiveness side. I’ve had some people tell me I look like Aaron Paul, so if that’s how you want to picture me, go for it.