A Night on the Beach, Part 1 [MF, Public]

“Are you ready?”

Jenny stood at the door of the hotel room, with an eager grin on her face. She bit her bottom lip as she watched Tony put on his flip flops and get up from the bed. She herself was wearing a black bikini, hidden under a long, white t shirt, while Tony had on blue swimming trunks and a yellow, sleeveless t shirt.

As Tony leaned past Jenny to open the door, she whispered in his ear, “forgetting something?” She giggled at him as he quickly turned around and picked up a small, light shovel from the foot of the bed.

She practically raced him to the elevator; her short, brown hair still waving against her shoulders as she pushed the “down” button. The elevator doors opened up, introducing the young couple to a much older couple. They all politely smiled at each other as the younger couple stepped in.

“A bit late to be digging for seashells, isn’t it?” the older man commented.

“Well… we didn’t want to be bothered by anyone,” Jen responded, “I’m not even sure they allow digging on this beach.”