First Love

My cousin and I used to basically be in an off and on relationship when we were kids. I was 9 years old, she was 8 years old when we started, ended at about the 12 and 11 year mark respectively. A few times after that scattered until first two years of high school. We both struggled with self-esteem issues at that age and both felt very alienated by others, so I think we found a lot of comfort in one another.

We would do things like cuddle together while watching TV, making out while lightly playing with one another. Often we would lie naked under a blanket to cuddle up. Only after the parents had gone to bed of course, usually had free reign to do whatever we wanted. We’d start out clothed, I would kiss her from behind on her neck, her shoulders, always liked brushing her hair behind her ear and telling her how beautiful she was. We’d slowly work our way to taking our pants and underwear off and I’d pull her ass onto me.