Looking for published books

What the title says, I’m looking for legitimately published or very well written “adult” books with a decent amount of steamy scenes. I was recently recommended the Kushiel series and I think according to some reviews it might be just a bit *too* hardcore BDSM for me and I won’t even get into 50 Shades of Shit so please for the love of all things holy don’t recommend that. Can be M/F or F/F, I’ll also happily take coming of age books. I’d prefer for the main character at least to be in their early to mid twenties.

If there’s a better subreddit to ask this on, please also let me know. I came here honestly out of my own embarrassment (consider me shy) and because what I’m looking for is so very specific to being of the sexual nature. I didn’t think r/books would appreciate the question.

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