I really loved my girl. Her job was more exhausting then mine. It was usual to find her return home frustated and irritated. To counter this, i was always there for her, taking care that i provide her with love, affection and someone she can either use to take her stress out or melt into.
To achieve this we often tried mild bondage. Most of the time i would play as a submissive guy so that she can get that rage out by practicing Gentle female dominance.
This event is about that peaceful day when i was home early. It was early evening, i changed into my comfy shorts and tee, sat on the couch in front of the television to binge on my favorite series.
After 4 hours, the bell rang. It was my girl returning late because of some meeting. I opened the door and saw my beautiful lady, exhausted with a sobbing face, almost on the verge of cry. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly even before she entered the house. Kissed her forehead and took her inside. Holding hands i was waiting for her to remove the shoes but she just walked ahead to the couch and fell on it. I sat beside her giving her my lap to keep her head. Switching off the Television, i started scratching his hairs and rubbing her shoulder and neck.