Legacy (trilby else) an alternative ending [ff][fDom]

A lot of this document is copied directly from a story that was linked to recently. My edits start at "As she felt". I think this got caught by the spam filter for linking to other content so I'm leaving that out for now and the link to the original will be in the comments.

Also please keep in mind this is my first story of this kind here or anywhere. I wrote it just to get over the ending of the original.

Hypnotizing her first girl had left Robin excited and guilty. Drawing first-turn, her willowy Asian opponent tried fascinating her with strobelights and staccato commands.

Christine had conditioned Robin to resist those before she’d learned to drive.

The girl hadn’t expected to lose, which undermined whatever resistance she’d tried to marshal against Robin’s subsonics.

As Shane led her away, Robin silently promised: I’ll be good to you.

She’d also thought My pretty pony—and more fun to ride and scolded herself.

Now she was back, seeing antiques and electronics gleaming under the pavilion’s track-halogens. Unseen webcams and microphones would give the judges every detail.

A girl-shape left the opposite shadows.