The whole world now knows about my affair, and I couldn’t be happier [MF, no sex, betrayal fantasy]

I can’t believe it. I just can’t.

Told my friends, colleagues, kids and family (including my in-laws) about my 4-year full-on, love-and-fuck affair with my AP (=Adultery Partner), who’s a single mom herself.

I was expecting everything; from hateful messages to loathing death-wishes. That my parents and siblings would disown me, that my sister-in-law would immediately call my wife of 14 years to tell her about my wrongdoings. That my colleagues would tatle on me and get me fired, and my friends abandon me. That my own two children would despise me from then on and decide to live with their mother, breaking up any contact with me. I surely would’ve been devasted and a broken man if any of that had happened.

Surprisingly, it didn’t. Rather (and much to my soul’s wellbeing), the opposite happened. I gathered all of them together at home, having ordered some food as well to make the situation a little more comfy. Wifey was getting sterilisation treatment at the hospital at the time so I had plenty of time to break the news.