Love sex and bullshit

Love, sex, and bullshit. Its all that ever revolves around our easily distracted minds while we try to figure life out in a grand and tiresome fashion. We as humans, especially in our late teens and 20-something wise years rarely seem to understand much outside of love and sex. The mask i put on for society, the clothes i wear, the thoughts i think, and definitely the words i say, all it really wants to do, is get me laid. 

What sometimes feels like love, is just a long sex thing these days. It doesnt do very well against the test of time. Sometimes what we call love is just the patience we have til we’re done getting off. All the cute gestures, small talk and sometimes long, all the connection we claim we have, all of it pours down the window once the fucking is done and juices spilled. From there its just an awkward talk away to the isolated comforts of our homes. 

Categorized as Erotica