Friends mom (mf) non-fiction

I always thought my friends mom was crazy sexy. She’s short, blonde, kind of thick and has huge tits. I went to her house in high school all the time to play video games with my friend and always starred at her. After high school, I was drinking heavily at a college party and she posted a cute selfie on Facebook so I messaged her and basically told her how I think she’s hot. She thanked me and didn’t really say much else.

Months later I see that she added me as a friend on Snapchat. I immediately started Snapchatting her and she even sent me a few bra pics. That following summer I was back from school and was at a wedding for a family friend and she was there with a couple of friends.

I went up to her and started talking to her and eventually we danced and then she asked me for a ride home. I agreed and gave her a ride back to her apartment. On the way there she kept taking her seatbelt off and laying her head on my lap.

We were all young once

When I was 17 and a senior in high school I knew I wasn’t going to stick around the area so I didn’t try to date anyone or have a relationship. It was time for prom and I needed a date. This girl, who was a distant cousin, also needed a date. We agreed to just go as friends and I thought that would be it.

Prom night came and throughout the night I couldn’t stop starring at her breast. It became pretty obvious as I’m 6’3 and she was 5’4. Eventually when we were sitting at our table I noticed her hand work towards my legs. Before I knew it she had her small hand on my penis and looked at me and smiled. We danced a little more and decided to leave to get ready for the after prom party,

Before that party I decided to stop by my house to grab a extra-shirt. My parents were at their friends out of town. My date asked if she could come inside and use the bathroom. I grabbed my shirt from my room and as I was walking out of my room I noticed her standing in the doorway with her dress mostly off. She then gave me that same smile and I approached her and started kissing her. I asked if she was sure this was right and she said who cares.