[mf] Fantasies of a depressed, lonely writer, inter-religious fun

Mid 20’s, professional, petite, porcelain-skinned, smooth woman, Muslim but fair-skinned. Deep, dark eyes, innocent but lost. Long silky light brown hair. Well-off but not rich. On the verge of two worlds: conservative, strict, traditional, and new, modern, cultured. Living alone.

30 year old, more professional, tall, handsome Jewish guy, gentleman, very rich. Brown haired, tanned skin. Nice beard. Owns a a nice house/is successful but is depressed/lonely too. Life of the party and hosts parties often, always classy, want to be cool/wanted. Girl is coming out of her shell, exploring more, so shyer.

And let’s say I’m the girl, and you’re the guy. God, I want you so bad. Take me on a classy date, both dressed up (you in a suit with suspenders, me in a 50’s polka dot dress), pretend we’re the richest, fanciest couple at the restaurant. Then go dancing, go crazy, bring me back to your beautiful house.Throw me on your bed. Tell me you love me even though you don’t. Pretend for the night it’s more than just a fuck. Press your handsome body up against me. Pull your cock out of your fly.

Categorized as Erotica