Amy chapter 2 – Europe
My first few days in the UK were quite mundane. My company had made some terrible recruitment choices but I managed get my head around the problem, make recommendations and delegate tasks by the Thursday. After working a few 16 hour days, I felt confident enough to leave the office at about 1pm and head back to the hotel to sleep. I figured the company owed me a few hours.
I got back to the hotel, put the do not disturb sign on the door and crashed. The clock radio was displaying 3:33 when my UK phone rang.
I awoke slightly disoriented and quite groggy. Even so I automatically reached out to answer it. My mind cleared somewhat as I brought it back to my face. I was expecting some menial issue at work. What I heard was anything but workaday.
“Uncle Stephen is that you?” It was Amy. I had almost put her out of my mind. Sure whenever I closed my eyes I saw her, but I had almost convinced myself that the whole incident was a luscious dream, a flight of fancy of an overly horny mind. Her very real voice at the end of a phone broke that fantasy. Moreover she sounded distressed.