Amy – Part 2 (Mf)

Amy chapter 2 – Europe

My first few days in the UK were quite mundane. My company had made some terrible recruitment choices but I managed get my head around the problem, make recommendations and delegate tasks by the Thursday. After working a few 16 hour days, I felt confident enough to leave the office at about 1pm and head back to the hotel to sleep. I figured the company owed me a few hours.

I got back to the hotel, put the do not disturb sign on the door and crashed. The clock radio was displaying 3:33 when my UK phone rang.

I awoke slightly disoriented and quite groggy. Even so I automatically reached out to answer it. My mind cleared somewhat as I brought it back to my face. I was expecting some menial issue at work. What I heard was anything but workaday.


“Uncle Stephen is that you?” It was Amy. I had almost put her out of my mind. Sure whenever I closed my eyes I saw her, but I had almost convinced myself that the whole incident was a luscious dream, a flight of fancy of an overly horny mind. Her very real voice at the end of a phone broke that fantasy. Moreover she sounded distressed.

Amy Pt 1.

Amy Chapter 1 – The trip

My problems all started with a issue at work. The company had expanded from Australia into the UK but was struggling with compliance with British law. My boss asked me to drop everything and get the hell over there to fix the problem.

My kids were devastated. Well one was. Naomi was eight. Sadly I would miss her 9th birthday. Hayley was thirteen and was way too cool to care what dad was up to. Naomi had inherited her mothers bronzed complexion. Hayley however was very blonde, slightly spoiled by her dad and was soon going to be the girl all the boys want to know. While I was preparing myself for the arrival of teenage boys sniffing around at our door, I cant say I was looking forward to it.

Hayley took her blonde complexion from me. I’d always appreciated my sandy blonde hair, when I grew it long in my teens and twenties it made the girls swoon. My skin colour was another thing altogether. I burn in seconds in the Australian sun. So does Hayley. But hey it got me laid a lot so I guess It was a cross I could bear. As for Hayley’s hair colour helping her with the boys, well the thought of it made me queasy.