Recovery Ch.1 – Part 2: A Personal Lesson [ff][oral]

Part 2: A Personal Lesson

October 4th, 2032 3:29PM

As always, her father Samuel was awake when we arrived and he spent time with us long enough to make some snacks for us and learned about our day before he went to bed. He would be asleep until around 10 when he got up to get ready for work. I loved Hailey’s dad. He was nice, but stern and fair. He was the closest thing I had to a father, aside from Mommy Beck’s boyfriend Charles.

Hailey and I ate as we relaxed and watched a TV show from the 2000’s, something childish that I never remembered the name of it, but Hailey loved it. She loved all TV shows and movies from the old days, while I loved more of the modern art sort of thing. There were no TV shows now, unless it was something made here. There were a couple groups that performed once or twice a month, usually for the Master and other important people, but I was able to watch some of them because of Mommy Frankie.

Recovery Ch.1 – Part 1: A History Lesson [ff][Public][Mast]

Part 1: A History Lesson

October 4th, 2032 1:17PM

The room was bright, light shining through the window and displaying the beautiful environment beyond the Wall. A mountain loomed in the distance, but knowledge reminded me that it was far from the largest mountain in our world. Still, it seemed a giant in immediate view and often caught my eyes when we were allowed to look or be outside.

“Evelyn, would you close the blinds for me?” The teacher spoke from the front of the room. I looked up and her smile was gentle as it always was until one of us got in trouble. I stood and took one last look at the mountain before closing the curtains, pulling them together in the middle.

The room was thrust into near darkness and I blinked for a couple seconds to adjust my vision to the darkness. I turned and could just barely make out the rest of the class and Madam Beverly at the head. My feet were cold on the floor, my shoes discarded next to my desk when class started, my socks were usually warm enough when we sat down to study for hours.