It was only supposed to be dancing [OC]

It was only supposed to be dancing.

I have all these witty things I’m going to say and they all die on my tongue when you come to the door in that short little dress.

Damn. Speechless again. And you with that knowing smile.

On the way to the club, sliding my hand up your thigh, I swerve dangerously close to some huge pickup, his horn blaring both of my hands back onto the wheel. After that I try to be better about watching the road, but it’s hard with legs like yours just always in the corner of my eye. Somehow I manage.

But when we get out on the dance floor and I see the way you move your body there is Just. No. Way. I am keeping my hands off of you. A man’s got his limits. So when the DJ takes a break we head outside, sweaty and breathless, our drinks forgotten. I pull you closer than dancing and our kisses are like coming up for air.

Categorized as Erotica

Science [M/F][medical(?) kink]

I’m trying not to glance down as she leans forward to slide the glasses onto my face. It’s not easy, because both her blouse and her white lab coat seem to be lacking some important buttons at the top, and she’s got way more soft, carmel-colored cleavage than could be contained by her neckline, even if it had those missing buttons. I catch a whiff of her perfume and do my best to retain my composure.

“There you go, Mr. Hollis. How do those fit? Not too tight?” There’s no mistaking the twinkle in her dark eyes as she asks.

“Just great.”

“Well if you need another fitting after you’ve worn them a while, or any other kind of adjustment” – and with this her smile becomes just a bit wider – “you can come back any time. OK?”

“Sure. Thanks for your help.”

Her smile is all sweetness now. “My pleasure.”

I take the bag with the glasses case and cleaning cloths and turn to leave. Haley, who’s been waiting on the couch near the entrance stands up and slides her arm through mine as we walk together out into the mall.