Against All Odds: How Subscribing to My Favourite eGirl Changed Everything [FM][18+][Long, Slow][Prompt Inspired][Wholesome]


It was 3:27am and I hadn’t slept a wink. I’d lain there, in vain, for so long that my face and pillow had merged into an amorphous blob, but the sweet release into nothing wouldn’t come.

Was it stress? Unlikely; what did I have to be stressed about? My tuition was taken care of by a generous scholarship, and coursework came easily to me. Could it be boredom? Maybe. I’d been scrolling on reddit so long that my thumb was cramping. I know you shouldn’t lay in bed on your phone, but I couldn’t help it. Scrolling or not scrolling, the result would be the same.

Frustrated beyond belief, I gave up. Throwing my phone to the other end of my dorm bed, I pawed at my laptop and resolved to find something less menial to distract me while I waited for dawn. A dozen icons resolved themselves as my desktop came up. Not in the mood to play anything, I was loathe to even consider looking at coursework, and wasn’t overly tempted by the thought of listening to music.

The only option left to me, as you might suspect was always going to be the case, was to jerk off.

Falling Hard for a Farmer’s Daughter [MF][18+][Long and Slow][Kinda Sweet][First Time]

Hello! This is a reply to a DWP post that I spotted and thought I’d make a run at instead of working yesterday. I had a ton of fun with this, but ended up running over Reddit’s character count. I’d break it up into two chapters, but the first passage isn’t overly dirty (with the notable exception of some hand holding).

If you just want the erotic portion of this erotic literature, skip ahead [here](

All characters depicted are over 18.


I kicked the last box into the middle of the empty living room and cast a tired eye around the place. Moving was a pain in the ass at the best of times, but having to move *here* made it hurt just a little bit more; the backwater hick town felt like a significant downgrade from Chicago, but there was work to be had so I’d just need to get over it.

Two firm handshakes and a few slaps on the back to wish me luck, with some hollow promises to come visit thrown in for good measure, and the friends who’d come along for the ride were off again, bound for home. I was well and truly alone. I got to unpacking.