[MF][Str8] Evil works a swing shift

(Written entirely from tablet, if it’s too rough I can edit and format at a PC in a few days)

“Welcome to the team Rachel, the name’s Alan Scratch.” Said her trainer before swooping in with his hand to clasp hers in an ironclad handshake. “Call me Alan none of that Officer Scratch nonsense, I’ve been here for too long to buy into that corporate bull.”

Security. Who would have thought of all the places she would go after highschool it would be a mall cop job that would help get her through college. Her boss had told her Alan would handle all the training mainly because he had been there the longest and partly because Alan had volunteered.

“Now nothing against you, but your pretty small and a little young so I asked our boss to give me a week to build up your confidence. When someone mouths off I want you to vocally knock them down.” She tried not to take offense but it already felt like he was pigeonholing her because of age, gender, and build. Sure she wasn’t pumping iron or running marathons but she also wasn’t in a salon or strutting in high heels. Try as she might though Alan had a presence about him and continued to control the conversation with only a nod or two between his stream of words.