Road Trip (part 6) [stripping] [pictures]

“Let’s get a room to sleep in tonight,” April said as she slid into the drivers seat. “I’m sick of waking up in a tent with roots in my back.”

“Sounds good to me. I could use a shower too.”

“We both could,” she giggled. “I drive, you find us a spot.”

I immediately went to work on my phone, flipping through various hotel and room rental apps looking for something suitable. It took about 45 minutes but I finally found a little spot for us to crash, a small suite in an old house originally serving as servants’ quarters. Or so the post said. It was simple, small, private, and most importantly, cheap.

I put the phone down and reclined, allowing the countryside to slide by while April drove. A grin crept across my face as she hummed softly to the radio. She was gorgeous, but rhythm and music were never her strong suites.

My mind wandered over the day, sticking on that moment when April pulled her skirt up over her head, her breasts…..

Road Trip (part 5) [pictures]

Thoughts raced through my head as I stared into the trees, trying to calm down. She had offered. Surely she wouldn’t be speaking to me if she knew. What now? Where was I supposed to take her? All around me the trees stretched away from the path with undergrowth thick on the lower slopes. Uphill was the only option.

“Good spot,” April said.

I jumped in surprise, so absorbed in my thoughts I was completely unaware she had approached. She kept walking past me, away from the path, her skirt [swishing]( as she climbed up the slope.

“Let’s go up here, I need to change.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Ch.. change?” I stuttered, nervous sweat beginning to bead on my palms as I held the camera.

“Yeah, my top is damp,” she replied as she climbed the slope away from me. “The sun dried the rest but….” she trailed off.

“Okay,” I replied, managing to keep my voice from cracking as my mouth went dry. Why was I so nervous? “So, umm, for the pictures…” I trailed off, unsure of what I was asking.

Categorized as Erotica

Road Trip (part 4) [pictures]

My head was spinning as I walked toward where April was supposed to meet me. I was deep in thought, unaware of my surroundings.

What had I just done? That woman….. those pictures….. I should delete them, never think of them again.

But I didn’t.

The sharp clack of a rock bouncing against another snapped me from my trance. I stopped, frozen in shock as I watched [April]( walk toward the river, her skirt flowing in the breeze. It was dumb luck I hadn’t bumped right into her.

‘Why does that make you lucky?’ a voice in the back of my mind asked.

Some impulse stopped me from calling out and rooted me to the ground. I just watched as she unrolled her towel and laid it on the [ground]( I swallowed the lump in my throat, the sight of her skirt riding up the back of her legs drawing my eyes.

‘What are you doing?!’ that little voice asked me. I pushed it away as I raised my camera, the click capturing a brief glimpse of bikini bottoms as the wind flipped up her [skirt](

Categorized as Erotica

Road Trip (part 3) [pictures]

If you would like to catch up on previous events you can check out [part 1]( and [part 2](


The days had begun to slide by slowly again since our photoshoot in the car. We left behind the pine forests and intermittent fields and transitioned into cow country where fields of grass divided by wooden fences dominated the landscape.

To my great relief there was no lingering awkwardness, only a renewed sense of familiarity and ease between April and I. A slow hunger burned in me but I managed to stuff it down and refrained from asking for anything more from April. The only photos I took were of cows and fields.

This is, until one early morning while I drove through a beautiful sunrise, my thoughts waxing existential and poetic. April turned to me abruptly and broke the comfortable silence.

“We should swim today.”

“Sure,” I replied quickly, not taking my eyes from the road, doing my best to suppress my imagination. I could almost see her in a swimsuit, glistening in the sun as she climbed from the water. “Where?”

“Not sure yet,” she replied as she picked up her phone. “I’ll find a spot.”

Categorized as Erotica

Road Trip (part 2) [pictures]

If you are interested in catching up on earlier events check out [part 1](


I wandered for over an hour, always staying along the edge of the woods with the car in view. A half naked young woman in the back seat was easy prey. The thought was both horrifying and, to my dismay, arousing. She had never been a sexual interest of mine, at least not consciously, until I had photographed her. I never expected the fruits of our collaboration to go this way but the results were undeniably hot.

What the hell was I going to do now? I couldn’t handle this feeling every time I looked at her. Our trip wasn’t even halfway finished.

The wandering route I took through the field back to the car was long and I was no closer to figuring out how I felt or what to do with those feelings when I arrived. April was still dozing in the back seat, the blanket covering all but her face. A pang of guilt passed through me as I watched her breathe. It had always been my dream to photograph her and now I had. The fulfillment of that dream might have ruined our friendship.

Road Trip (part 1) [pictures]

I was staring at the seemingly endless road ahead of us, my thoughts wandering as some forgettable pop song played.

‘What am I doing?’ I wondered, not for the first time. A road trip had sounded like so much fun when April had suggested it. Get out on the road, see some new places, meet some new and interesting people before college.

My parents had been against it, especially given the summer job at a photography studio I had given up, but I was an adult and made my own decision. Parents be damned.

But…… were they right? I ground my teeth in frustration at the suggestion.

The song changed over to ads and brought me part-way out of my negative thought loop and I began to pay attention, “…. travel to exotic locations, meet interesting people, work with a team of professionals, grow your brand! If you are a motivated self starter who fits these interests call us today at Mark’s modeling and talent agency…..” it said.

I glanced over at April who was [staring]( straight ahead, seemingly enjoying the drive as much as I was. “You could be a model,” I blurted out. Anything to change the narrative in my head and drown out the radio.

Becoming Jimmy’s (part 6) [MF][Pictures]

*This is a continuation of a series based around a summer party. You can find other entries here: [part 1](, [part 2](, [part 3](, [part 4](, [part 5](*


“Wow, you look fantastic!” Jimmy said, grinning mischievously as he opened the door.

“Thanks!” I replied, never doubting the outfit I had picked would have this effect, my orange long sleeve crop top showing off my shoulders (and white bra straps), white shorts barely covering my ass highlighting the length of my legs. I waited there on the doorstep, smiling foolishly as Jimmy stood in the doorway, blocking my entry to his house, drinking me in hungrily without shame.

“Sorry,” he finally said as he stepped out of the way, “come on in.”

My heart fluttered as I floated past him, his scent filling my nose and the brief feeling of his bare arm brushing against me generating shocks of electricity that coursed through me.

I wanted him so badly it hurt.

“Head straight in to the living room, I’ll be there in a second,” Jimmy said as he closed the door.

After the Party [MF][Sex][Pictures][Facial]

*This is an entry in a series centering around a summer party. For earlier parts see: [part 1](, [part 2](, [part3](, and [part 4](*


I opened my eyes and blinked uncomfortably, bright sunlight streaming in through the window, my mouth dry and tasting of old beer.

“Ugh,” I groaned as I took in my surroundings, the dresser and chair in the spare bedroom slowly coming into focus as I blinked back tears. “What the hell….” I muttered. The room was empty and orderly, clean. As I pulled myself into a seated position at the edge of the bed I tried to think back to the night before, struggling to recall what had happened during the rest of the party. All I got were bits and pieces, a face here, picking up a drink there, all without any feeling of a coherent timeline. The last thing I remembered clearly was pulling on my clothes after stripping for the football team, then taking a drink from one of them. After that….. almost nothing.

The Summer Party [MF][Stripping][Pictures][Dubious Consent][No sex]

This is a continuation of a series surrounding a summer party. For previous entries see [part 1](, [part 2](, and [part 3](


It was the perfect moment, our bodies entwined, the rise and fall of our breath slowly synchronizing as we relaxed into each other.

“Oh, my *god*,” I whispered.

“Mmmhmm,” Megan cooed back.

Tthe doorbell rang. Megan and I locked eyes and exchanged looks of panic.

“Oh, shit!” we cried out simultaneously. Suddenly we were scrambling, untangling ourselves from each other and grabbing for clothes. I grabbed my skirt off the bed only to find it had become quite wet during our intimate encounter.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I muttered over and over as I spun around looking for any acceptable clothing. All I found were Megan’s clothes, which I scooped up and tossed in her direction.

I bounded over to my dresser and pulled out a white tank top and cutoff jean shorts. There was no time for underwear and I didn’t have time to think it over.

“How’s [this](” I asked, not waiting for an answer before I was out the door and skipping down the hallway, my heart pounding in my ears.

Fantasy, and Megan Arrives [Masturbation][FF][Consensual]

*This is a continuation of a series centered around a summer party (and likely to continue after it concludes). Previous entries are: [part 1](, and [part 2](*


I was gasping for breath by the time I reached home, doing my best to outrun the fear and humiliation of Officer Manch. I caught my breath doubled over in the driveway, the fear dissipating, the humiliation and something else lingering. Was that…. excitement? I pushed the thought away and forced myself into the present. No use thinking about that now.

Glancing at the clock inside, I realized there was time before Megan arrived, but not enough to dawdle. I shed my running clothes, the cool air of the room drifting over my moist lips. ‘Sweat, surely,’ I thought, and hopped into the shower, the hot water clearing away some of the dirty feeling clinging to my skin.

As my hands pushed soap over my chest I could feel my nipples harden and heat begin to spread through my stomach. “God damnit,” I muttered, in frustration. There wasn’t time for this. Besides, there was nothing arousing about an old man’s eyes crawling over my naked body…… Right?