Two Hearts Beating (Chp 2) [MFF][bdsm][Fdom][Msub][Fsub] <800 words.

Author's Note: This is the second chapter in a small series (link to the first in the comments). The original was meant as a short flash fiction, but I sort of liked the characters, and couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. If you feel the same, please let me know. Feedback is always nice.

  • the Dashing Sea Captain

Chapter 2

The pain washed over him as he slipped out of his dream. Time had lost meaning in his world of silent darkness; but the pain was real, and it became a constant in his life – like an unwanted roommate that you can't seem to live without. He made a survey of his body, trying to detect the exact location of the pain – his arms, his jaw, his backside…To each he said, Good morning. and then promptly behaved as though they weren't there.

Through the darkness he felt a weight on his legs followed by the sensation of a thousand needles pushing through his skin. Hands were fumbling at the buckles of his mask, followed by fingers pulling at the rubber. Black turned to blinding light that burned his eyes as he felt her fingers again, pulling at the wax in his ears. Sound again filled his head.

Checking on Liam. [bdsm][Fdom][Msub][Fsub]

She woke suddenly, lifting her head to look around the dark bedroom. Jessie stirred slightly next to her, pulling at the blanket to cover her naked body. Her chestnut hair lay spread out over the pillow, contrasting with the white fabric. Gently she touched her face, and her eyes opened.

"Kim?" Her voice was raspy from misuse. "What's the matter?"

She smiled. "Nothing, my love." She brushed her hand against her cheek. "Go back to sleep."

Carefully, she slid her legs out from between the warm sheets, and placed her feet on the cool wooden floor. On the night stand, she pressed the button of her phone to show the time. 3:35 AM. In her mind she worked through the math, It's only been two hours or so since Jessie and I went to sleep. The light on the phone began to dim. It's been just over five hours since we left Liam alone. Her mind lingered on that fact. Too long, maybe.