chapter 1
        The whiskey had begun to do its job but images of her eyes still haunted him. Sweat beaded in the groove of his back as Colt lay on the bed in the heat of that humid July as he tried to fall asleep after another back breaking day on site. The clock beside his bed flicked to midnight as he kicked back the cotton sheet laying just below his waistline, all to aware the alarm was set to wake him in five hours. He could feel the lull of sleep bordering just beyond his reach as his mind began to swirl. But that familiar feeling turned quickly to a force that seemed to pull him through the bed. Quickly he opened his eyes, but it was too late.

Blurred lights of every colour tore past him as he tumbled through a tunnel through a void of immeasurable blackness, dragging him further and faster, his mind reeled to comprehend, as shock waves slammed into him one after another, as if crashing through some invisible wave.