Making my sister inlaw my slut [mf] [non con] [oral] [anal]

I don’t know where to start really, my mind is still trying to catch up with the events that led me here. You see I’m laying here with a very beautiful woman’s naked body clinging tightly to me but its not my wife, it’s my sister in law. I guess I should start from the beginning and explain how I ended up in her house anyway. Recently I became unemployed and couldn’t find a new job in my area, its not easy finding a new job at 48 when your job history is in something as obsolete as textile. My wife’s sister, we’ll call her Caroline, called my wife and told her about a potential job near her that made decent pay. I’m not sure if it was my wife wanting me to get the job or her just wanting me out of the house but she suggested I go stay with her sister to see if I could get the job. Not having much say I in the matter I did as she asked and packed a few bags to go stay with her.

Sweet Tooth [Ageplay] [MF] [Oral]

Well I don’t really know how to start this story so I’ll just fill you in on the basics first, my name is John. I guess I’m what many girls would call a silver fox, or at least that’s what I’ve been told. I’m 47, I’m no Greek God by any means but I’m in shape. This story isn’t really about me though, it’s about my girlfriend Emily. Now she is a beauty, kicker is she’s only 18. How I ended up with a beautiful girl like her is beyond me but I’m not going to complain in the least. She is the daughter of a friend of mine and after she turned 18 she decided that she wanted a older man in her life and I fit her just fine. The first month or so of us dating went great, hell the sex was amazing but then something happened that really drove me crazy.