She Speaks Wonders

Rolling the perfect blunt, backwoods to be specific, it’s my preference that they are not too stale and never contain too many stems on them. The smell of marijuana stunk so good. This weed is no ordinary street grade product, oh no. This was rapper level weed, dispensary grade, just the perfect amount of flavor to spice things up in the cool crisp night. The open window in the Airbnb provided us with the cool breeze of the night air, the moon radiating lights on the street below us. I’ve never been much of a drinker but ironically enough the model next to me was. Chiseled face and a model worthy body, her facial skin glowed purple from a mixture of face masks, skin care routines, and the purple LED lights surrounding us in the room. The lights were taped to the corners of the room providing us with it’s almost dreamy glow and the music coming through the loud obnoxious speakers added on to the aesthetic feel of the moment, life is amazing. Puff puff doesn’t apply to me, I’m self made, a boss, the realest person I can be. Could you blame me for not passing to randoms? No one fought with me as hard as I did to get where I am now. Now half way into the burning backwoods’, I finally decide to start the rotation between us.