[Fiction] [M] Underage Belinda.

It started about 3 years ago, me and Alice used to go down to the beach every weekend. Occasionally Alice used to invite some friends over to join us, and i would do the same, but that was more her domain.

Going to the beach was probably my favourite time of the weekend because I got to spend time with her and time outdoors. Alice and I have a complicated relationship, not in the sense that there is tension, but she is very much into a less physical relationship where as i thrive on love, affection and physical interaction. She had these boundaries, some that I could cope with and some not. She was not fond of affection in front of people, but when we were alone, she would cuddle and maybe a kiss here and there, but nothing more than that.

Alice to say the least was a very pretty girl, she had long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and she had this look to her as though she was always glowing, i would say i fell in love with her at first site, but it wasn’t true, i find it hard to trust people, my past is not a light one and i find it difficult to believe in love.