My dorm roommate and I have only one thing in common — we’re both horny as fuck [FFMM] aka: My first bi experience

“Gah!” she says, “I’m so fucking horny! I need a guy.”

“Hey, you know I’ll go down on you,” he says.

“Ugh, gross, Patrick.” Her face contorts with disgust, and you can see his ego collapse like it’s the Hindenburg exploding to the ground. “Why do you say things like that? You’re my best guy friend.”

Amy’s a heartless bitch, and she sticks to the bit so strong I almost respect her. She’s hot as hell — long blond hair, perfect body, the works — which is how she gets away with it.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Patrick whines, apologizes for being mistreated.

The dude just needs to get laid, which is obviously never going to happen with Amy. So enter me, Amy’s less hot but still totally cute nerdy roommate, Lia. Amy and I have nothing in common, lead very different lives. Why the school paired us together in the dorms, I have no idea, and so we get along just fine by staying out of each other’s way.

my girlfriend has sensitive nipples… [MF]

“Ry! You’re home early!”

I kick the door closed and take my shoes off, eyeing her. She’s sitting at the small wooden desk, her laptop set out, a webcam on a tripod behind it. “Did I catch you chatting with your other boyfriends?”

Daphne rolls her eyes and giggles. “Oh, yeah, all dozen of them. At the same time. You jealous?” Her sarcasm is thick.

Our apartment’s small, the desk is shoved in the corner, the camera faces the door, I’m in the background of her shot. “You’re not streaming, are you?”

“No,” she says, “I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m making a recording, a math lesson.”

I walk up behind her, lean over her shoulder, peer at the screen. I see myself, then check out Daphne’s mane of dyed burgundy hair, her cute smiling face. Her delightfully large tits. We make eye contact through the screen. “You look good.”

“Mmm, thanks.” She cranes her neck, we kiss. Her lips are soft, she smells sweet.

I shoot my tongue into her mouth, feel her moan. “I actually think you should leave this in your video,” I say, “Give those kids something to fantasize about.”

USS Freeuse: To boldly go where no Man has gone before [MF… scifi harem free use]

I’m on my phone, swiping crystals into sets of three, watching them disappear in full-spectrum explosions. I lean back into the cheap plastic chair, the mechanical sounds the car wash dominating the lounge. I eye my truck as it glides through the soap rinse, and then… well, it’s hard to describe. A swirl of lights and rushing sounds, not dissimilar to what I’d been seeing on my phone, except all around me, and the world tumbling end over end, and I’m falling, falling, falling…

I come to and I’m at … someplace different. It doesn’t make any sense. My phone’s gone, which is frustrating because I was on a timed level. And I’m laying on the floor, and the floor is warm, soft, spongy but metallic, like nothing I’ve before felt. The room, or space, or whatever it is, is big, a polyhedral ball several times my height, and deep magenta, with a light somehow coming from all directions at once. And my clothes have disappeared, I’m naked.

“What the fuck?” I say, even though there’s nobody there to hear. “Where’s my phone?” My speech sounds weird, muffled. There’s no echo.

How I fell in love with the girl next door during Easter dinner [MF] [young love]

“Luke, do you think I’m sexy?”

Cammy had this smile, pretty, full faced, ear to ear, like she meant it. And she had these eyes, bright, her gaze intelligent and confident. But, sexy? She was just regular old Cammy… right?

“Cammy, I–” my breath caught, she was lifting the hem of her green striped polo, her slender belly coming into view, cute little navel. “What are you doing?”

“You can touch me,” she said, “If you want.” We were on her bed, sitting side by side, so close I could feel the heat in her breath, see the glisten on her lips.

Cammy’s gaze was steady, even while mine bounced this way and that. I took a deep breath, forced myself calm. She was right there, I could see all her little freckles, faint and subtle.

She watched me through a veneer of self-assuredness, a play at being secure in her self. I knew her well enough to see through it, to see how narrowly were steeled her nerves. For reasons I couldn’t guess at, she was anxious for my validation, was fearful she wouldn’t get it.

I didn’t even know her name… [MF]

“You’re not dressed yet?” I complain, “What am I supposed to do?”

“I dunno,” my sister shrugs, “Watch TV or something? I’ll just be a few minutes.”

Few minutes my ass. My sister has never in her life got ready in less than an hour. I groan, plop down on couch, look around the place she shares with her roommates. It’s got that implacable blandness that on-campus housing always has.

Some woke flag hangs over the couch, piles of books and papers on the table. Kitchenette looking fairly gross with a stack of unwashed dishes. A shelf with potted plants someone has forgotten about. The window, a view of nothing but the bland beige of the neighboring building.

So there’s the TV she suggested. I hate TV. But whatever. I can’t find the remote anywhere. I kneel in front like I’m genuflecting, eyeing myself in the muted reflection. I fumble around blindly for the buttons. Find out how to change the channel.

And then I see it — an Nintendo GameCube. No way. I say it out loud, “No way!” It’s been years. What is this doing here? Who cares. It’s loaded with Smash Brothers, and I sit back on the couch, grinning like an idiot, controller in my hands.

Fulfilling my girlish crush on an older man… [FM]

Dad texts. “Miles is going to stop by to pick up some parts. Will you let him into the garage sweetie? Love Dad.”

Dad does remodels, makes good money doing it, too. He has a team of guys to help him build. I help him, too, between classes, answering the phones and email. It’s good to contribute, and the extra cash is nice.

Twenty minutes later, I hear someone pull up. I peek out. A white pickup truck on the driveway.

The garage door rolls up, revealing Miles inch by inch. He towers over me. I’m not short, he’s just a big guy. At least six-six. Broad. Built. Bald, in a good way. Maybe in his mid-30s. I’ve had a crush on him since I met him.

“Hey, Monica,” he says, grinning behind his wrap-around sunglasses, “Slow morning?”

It’s quarter past ten, he’s already half done with his workday, and I’m still in pajamas, cotton shorts and a t-shirt from my college. “Day off,” I giggle, “Anything I can get for you?”

“Nope. Just grabbing your dad’s scraps. He needs them for this thing.”

“I could make you some lunch?” I say. I’m smiling, flirting, shoulders back, tits out.

I stuck my dick in crazy [MF] [bondage]

It was nothing like how they showed on TV — for starters, Jamie remember it all, he never blacked out. The car, driver oblivious to his presence. The crunch of his bike tire twisting out of shape. His hind-brain reaction, flinging himself away unthinkingly. Landing on the ground, his helmet bouncing off the asphalt. And it was all so quiet, out on these rural roads, away from passersby or witnesses, the breeze and birds ambivalent to the drama below.

He groaned and sat up, catching his breath. He looked at the car — a German luxury SUV, license plate frame declaring “Angels are watching over me.” He sighed.

The bike? He surveyed. The frame… it might be salvageable. The rear tire, total loss. The derailleur–

“Oh wow, are you ok?”

Jamie looked up at the speaker. The driver of the car, a petite woman, weirdly nonchalant considering that she’d just ran him over. Her colors were all bright and summery — pastel yellow capris and a pastel pink blouse, with a thin pastel green sweater over it. It occurred to Jamie she was the color of a dinner mint. He chuckled, “Good Lord.”

My personal record for shortest time before meeting a guy and fucking him [FM]

“You meet the new guy yet?” Sarah’s grinning at me, her chin resting on the back of her hand, draped over the staff lounge couch.

“Course she hasn’t,” Sofia says, “We’d’ve heard about it, she had.” Already a camp administrator at only 24 years old, she’s what passes for ‘responsible’ around here. As evidence, she’s typing up some email or something at the desk.

“Why?” I narrow my gaze, set my day bag down. “What’s that mean?”

“Nothing.” “He’s a stud.” They speak at the same time.

“A stud,” I repeat.

“Yeah,” Sarah’s grin spreads, “Your type.”

Sofia turns away from the laptop, gives Sarah a look. “Tara doesn’t have a type. She hooks up with everybody.”

I refill my water bottle at the sink. “So what? Last I checked, we ain’t running a monastery.”

Sofia mocks reprimand. Technically, she’s my boss, so she’s allowed. “Are you implying, Tara, that the primarily college-aged staff of the Jack Peterson Spiritual Retreat Center perpetuate a free-wheeling culture of debauchery and casual sex?”

I sneer. “If I wanted to spend all summer chaste, letting my puss shrivel up and wither away, I’d have gotten a job over at Holy River.” That’s the Christian camp the next valley over.

I [F18] asked my step-father for a favor [Mf] [incest]

I find him down in the basement, drinking beer, watching a basketball game on the giant TV.

“Hey, Daddy?” I say, using that cutesy tone of voice, the one so he knows I’m going to ask him a favor.

He doesn’t even look away from the game. “Hrm?”

“You know that road trip my friends are going on?” I perch on the couch, opposite the recliner he’s in. I catch him sneaking a glance at my tank top — I’m showing a fair bit of skin, and I’m not wearing a bra.

“What about it?” he says, returning to the TV.

“Well,” I say, “I was really, really looking forward to going, but Mom’s saying she’s not going to let me.”

“Ok,” he grunts, “So?”

“So I was hoping you’d help me convince her otherwise.”

“You for real?” he says, “Summer, do you really think I’m going to be able to convince your mother to change her mind?” He’s right about that, Mom is fiercely stubborn. But if there’s one person who can persuade her of anything, it’s him. He did it two years ago when, after four long years of dating, he talked her into relenting and finally marrying him. He continues, “Even if I could–”

I convinced my (step) sister to make me cum – [MF]

“I need a guy’s opinion,” Summer says. It is 8:41am on Monday of the long weekend and she’s leaning into her brother’s bedroom.

Tyler opens his eyes and drops his headphones to his neck, which pauses the music automatically. “Huh?” He lays back on a beanbag chair, cooling off after an early morning bike ride, still wearing his bike jersey and shorts.

“I said,” Summer rolls her eyes, “I need your opinion. But don’t be all pervy about it.” She’s still in her sleepwear — cotton shorts and an old band tshirt that’s seen better days.

He grimaces. “What are you even talking about?”

“I can totally see your dick in your pants, you know,” she says, walking in to his room and tapping on her tablet, snug in its pink girlish case.

“And I can see your nipples in your shirt,” he says, “So we’re even.”

“Gross, Ty.” She crosses an arm across her chest, covering herself. “Why are you looking?” She sits on the beanbag. “Move over, you’re hogging.”

As he scoots over, making space, he chuckles. “Why are you looking at my dick?”