Jay’s Camp Stories #2 — Meeting a stranger deep in the woods [MF] [fuckin’] [redhead] [trail maintenance]

I pulled the folding saw from my belt and hacked it through the fallen tree. Sweat dripped down around my eyebrows, stinging my eyes. I blinked it out and kept going.

Enrique, the camp’s Facilities Director and my boss, had Stefan and me clearing the trails after the winter’s storms. Stefan was out on the southern hills near the camp entrance, but I’m the new guy, so Enrique sent me out to the most remote, difficult paths. The trunk cut, I heaved and pulled the tree off the walkway, grunting with the effort.

I spit the dust from my mouth and wiped my forehead with the back of my glove. Grabbing the canteen from my bag, I took a deep drink of water, and paused to rest, looking to see what was next. The winding dirt path was growing less dense as it climbed the hill, I could put the saw away for now.

Giving the teacher what she wants [Fm] [seduced by older woman] [role-play] [feet] [oral] [sex] [anal]

“Oh, fuck me,” I said.

“Yeah, well, Jay, get used to it,” Enrique said, “You’re the lowest bitch on the totem pole, so now you’re going to help unload their van, and you’re going to be fucking nice about it. Put all their luggage by that tree.” He pointed up the hill at an enormous redwood, decking built around it, near the seasonal staff cabins. “The teachers get the nice rooms, the ones with a view.”

“What about Stefan?” I whined. Stefan was my supposed co-worker, except he was nowhere to be seen.

“Jay, Don’t worry about Stefan, just do what I told you,” Enrique sighed.

Enrique was the Facilities Manager, my new boss. Five summers I had spent working my way up to senior counselor, earning the respect of campers, becoming a leader of our team. But I wanted more. I’d finished university and realized that the thing I’d miss the most was being a counselor at summer camp. So I decided to join the permanent, year-round staff.

Late nights with my sister [FM] [twincest] [porn] [handjobs] [cum] [infidelity] [cuss words]

It’s 1:03am. I guess some people might call that late, but it’s typical for me. It takes me this long to finish all my homework. Probably because I don’t start until after 10. But whatever, I’ll be fine tomorrow, I don’t need much sleep.

The last thing to do before sleep… I open up an incognito tab, find the right video, get some tissues ready, and sit the laptop on the bed beside me.

I’m starting to get really into it, watching this girl swallow this guy’s huge cock with the camera from his point-of-view, when my door opens and my twin sister, Dorothy, leans in, saying, “Hey, Colin, can you help me with… uh, my, uh…”

She trails off as I furiously try pulling the blankets up over my erection, closing the lid on the laptop, and scrambling for any plausible story to cover what was happening.

“Jesus, Colin, lock the door if you’re going to be doing that,” Dorothy says.

“It was locked!” I say, even though it clearly was not, I’m just desperate to say anything that might hide my embarrassment.

“What are you watching, anyway?”

How to fuck your neighbor [fM] [girl seduces older man] [sexy talkin’] [oral] [anal]

Dorothy looked into the mirror, checking out her naked self. As a kid, she’d always been a awkward, gangling dork. But now, trying to imagine herself in the eyes of others, she realized she was beautiful.

She had begun dressing in tight, better fitting clothes, with hints of leather, a flirtatious fishnet. She spent money and time getting her purple dyed hair and dark makeup perfect. She pierced her ears up the lobe, her eyebrow, her nose, her nipples.

She began getting attention from men she had never thought of that way. Sure, the boys at school were talking to her more. But so were her teachers, her friends’ fathers, her pastor, a whole world of older men. Adult men that she’d always assumed saw as fatherly turned out to be lechers, their gaze lingering on her tits when they thought she wasn’t looking, their tolerance for her presence having grown nearly infinite.

This attention was all new to her, and Dorothy had seen many other girls act revolted by it. But Dorothy reveled in it. She flirted, she teased, she wanted to be these men’s fantasy. She wanted them, when they jacked off, when they fucked their girlfriends and wives, to be thinking of her.

Summer Break, Part 3, aka The horny girl bikini pool party [Mf] [groping] [fondling] [oral] [fuckin’] [cum] [sexy talkin’] [girl seducing older man] [underage drinking] [well, do mimosas really count?] [brief mention of water heaters]

*Same as part 2, can be read stand-alone or as a sequel*

It had been about a month since Mark had fucked his daughter’s friend Dani, which had been only a week after fucking another, Adena. Laying the two young girls had made him simultaneously proud that he still ‘had it,’ but guilty, since they were his daughter Olivia’s friends, girls he’d known for years. Beyond feeling like a perverted old man, it was a betrayal of his daughter’s trust, and he hated lying to her. He hoped the whole thing would blow over, be forgotten, and that Olivia would never find out.

Mark saw the solution in resolving to start dating again, dating women his own age, that is. For the first time in his life, he’d tried online dating, and it turned out he was quite the catch. A 40-something, well-off, healthy, fit widow? He was the online dating triple threat, and most women he contacted responded to him. One of his buddies from work had assured him that that was definitely not in line with the typical man’s experience.

Summer Break, Part 2, aka Why are all his daughter’s friends so horny? [Mf] [oral] [fuckin’] [sexy talkin’] [girl seducing older man]

*This is a direct sequel to part 1, but this also could be read stand-alone*

Mark couldn’t stop thinking about fucking Adena. He felt guilty, she was his daughter Olivia’s friend. He felt embarrassed, a middle aged guy with a crush on a barely legal teen? But when his mind went idle, his thoughts kept returning to the shape of Adena’s tits, the feel of her pussy on his cock, her panting, desperate face inches from his own.

“Maybe I just need to get laid more often,” he thought to himself. He hadn’t dated after his wife passed away six years ago, instead focusing on raising Olivia, and working hard to provide for her future. Fucking his daughter’s friend last week wasn’t part of his plan, but it was something that wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been denying himself sex all these years.

That had to change. He resolved to try out online dating. He only knew of the services through friends and what he saw on tv. He downloaded some Apps, but it seemed too intimidating to actually put himself out there. “I’ll set up my profile tomorrow,” he said to himself for the eighth day in a row, turning back to his work.

Office Hours [Mff] [ff] [handjob] [oral] [creampie] [professor-student]

Professor Watney was reading the newspaper in his office when the two freshmen students stopped by. It was technically Office Hours, and while most days no students showed up, he felt it was still his duty to be available just in case. His office was located in a quiet part of the basement of the science complex, and passers-by were rare, let alone students with questions.

“Hi ladies,” the professor said, “Are you lost? Which room are you looking for?”

“Uh, isn’t this your Office Hours? I’m Cameron, from your Anatomy lab?” the first girl asked, even though it wasn’t really a question.

“Oh, right, right, Cameron,” Professor Watney stammered, then looked at the other girl, “And you are, uh…” It wasn’t that he was bad at memorizing people’s names. But for his freshmen sections, he’d long ago stopped bothering to try.

The two girls looked at each other. Watney couldn’t read the meaning of the glance.

“I’m Lacy,” the other girl said.

“Of course, yes, and so Cameron and Lacy, come in, take a seat,” he said, “What can I help you with? How is your takehome lab coming?”

Summer Break [Mf] [fuckin’ the daughter’s friend]

It was the first weekend of summer break and Mark’s daughter Olivia was home from college. Olivia had invited over a bunch of her friends from high school — most had left the area for different universities after graduation — and they were eager to catch up and compare notes on their experiences.

Mark was happy to have Olivia home, and happy she still considered their large house welcoming enough for her to play host for the party. Olivia had always been a good kid, but had quickly grown responsible after her mother passed away when she was 14, even though she was an only child.

Olivia made friends easily, though in her father’s impression, sometimes she was friends with girls she shouldn’t have been. Olivia had the knack to be friends with anybody, even girls who weren’t good kids, weren’t responsible like her. But, Mark figured, Olivia might be a good influence on some of them. Plus, he remembered his parents trying to control his friends when he was a teenager, and how much resentment that had caused. So he never said anything to Olivia about his opinion of her friends.

Shopping [MF] [FF] [bd] [forced orgasm] [Fdom] [ruined orgasm]

The driver turned the van off the busy main boulevard, and down a narrow alley. We were in an upscale part of town, buildings towering over our heads. The buildings were tall, but they weren’t ostentatious skyscrapers. Our employers preferred more reserved, classical displays of wealth.

We pulled up to a rolling door nestled between a loading dock and a private parking garage. Nobody was around, this alley had no storefronts or anything else to attract attention.

The driver rolled down his window, a light on an intercom flicked on automatically. Security must have been watching through cameras. At places like this, they always were.

“Please state your business,” the intercom squawked. Bland and professional and anonymous.

“We’re here for WMI company,” the driver said. WMI was Wilton-Mathers Inc. — the company we worked for, on paper anyway. WMI was not the type of company that you’d ever hear about, and if you researched it you wouldn’t find anything useful, least of all who owned it.

The intercom light turned off, nothing more needing to be said. The door opened, and the driver pulled the van through. We drove down a ramp to an underground road a few stories down. The road ended at a large underground garage, filled with ordinary cars.

The Challenge [MFF] [oral] [long]

I was doing nothing – watching TV – in my dorm room. It was after a long day and a long week so I was happy just to have some quiet time, but someone was knocking on my door.

“Who is it?” I yelled without getting up.

“Tressa! Open the door.” Tressa and I had an English Writing class together and we weren’t friends really, she was best friends with my ex, Caitlynn, but things with the ex were amicable and so Tressa and I got along ok in class. But I had no idea why she would come to my dorm room. Despite not wanting visitors right then, Tressa was cute, and even if it shouldn’t, that still counts for something, so I got up to open the door.

Tressa was standing in the hall with another girl from our class, some mousy first-year who I only half recognized. “This is Riley,” Tressa said, “she asked for me help with the paper due next week. She was over and we were talking about a problem she has and thought you might be able to help.” Tressa had a smirk growing that wasn’t quite making it into a smile. She was up to something, was she flirting? But I didn’t know her well enough to want to guess, just to be disappointed later.