Wife to Hubby and His Brother.

I have been like a wife for my brother in law for over a decade. Everything except one of the fun things about marriage, the sex. After seeing him be used by many women, my husband suggested to him that I receive more benefits from this one-sided relationship. He is aware of some of the things my husband and I have done in the past, so he would occasionally make comments to me or my husband about being involved. After much discussion between us, my husband sent him a message asking him if he needed a release. Thus began the second husband relationship. I went down to his house. He gave me an amazing body massage, and with a muscle autoimmune problem, it was twice as wonderful! After my massage, he slowly began to kiss my body. He then took my pants off and gave me much needed orgasm. After wiping his face off, he then proceeded to undress. He then took his time, giving me all of him. After he unloaded in me, we conversed for a while. I came back home and showed my husband my “gift.” He was beyond pleased because it had been a while since we had done anything of that nature. He then proceeded to make love to me, sloppy mess and all! It helped bring us closer together, all of us. I ran some errands today with my second husband. We talked about our arrangement. We are all in agreement with our situation, and I can’t wait to go back tonight for another “body rub.”

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Naughty road trip.

One day hubby got a call from a friend, who was needing a favor.  He had won a bid on a large saltwater tank and was needing a way to go and pick it up.   It was going to be a couple hour drive to get it so he asked me (who at the time still lived at home with my parents and we had only been together for a few months)  if I would like to ride with them.  After thinking about it, I said yes, I would go.  So hubbys friend shows up at his house and they leave . He hadn’t mentioned to him that he was going to pick me up, but he did notice a black plastic bag hubby had brought. After a few minutes, his friend asked what was in the bag. All hubby told him was he would find out soon enough.  About 15 min later, he pulled up to my house and I came running out, and climbed into the back seat.  As soon as we were off the road I lived on, he reached and got the bag and handed it to me.  I opened it up to find a wireless remote egg inside, and looked up at him with a puzzled look on my face.  So he then told me to put it in, which I replied back ” Really” and then he said “I told you to, didn’t I”.  With that I did as I had been told and inserted the egg into my  now wet pussy.  So as we drove down the road hubby kept turning it on and off with the wireless remote all the way to where we were heading.  So we got the tank  loaded up.  As I was fixing to climb back into the back seat, hubby told me no, to ride home up front with them. I climbed in the middle of them and we headed back towards the interstate to home.  After a few min. Hubby looked over at me and told me to remove my jeans, I looked at him and said “Really, but I am not wearing any panties’ ‘.  Hubby replied Yes,  so I did as I had been told and removed my jeans.  Once I had them off, hubby began to rub on my legs and inner thigh.  At this point his friend is trying his best not to look at my half naked body and hubby rubbing on my inner thigh.  After a few min. Hubby then told me to take off her shirt, and that he wanted to see my naked body.  I did as I was told and removed my shirt and bra. Hubby  started rubbing on my pussy.  At this point hubbys friend is staring so hubby leaned over and whispered for me to take his hand and put it on my breast.  So I placed his hand on my breast and he began to rub them.  So I sat there naked while they both rubbed all over me.  After a few min. Hubby told me he wanted me to have a dick in each hand while they rubbed on me, so I took out thier dicks and jacked them both while they rubbed and kissed on me.  Hubby then leaned over and told me to climb on his friend and ride him.  I was shocked and asked “are you sure” and he assured me by telling me “yes, let him cum inside you”.  So I sat down on him ( my back was against the dash, my knees against the back of the seat) and began to grind him, he leaned forward, kissing and nibbling on my nipples until he blew his load filling me up.  As soon as he went I climbed off and started giving hubby a blowjob while he drove.  Once he had gone I just laid back while they rubbed on my naked body until we got home.         

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Hubby’s fantasy of me being used.

The beach we go to is known for the college crowd, and is also a thong friendly beach. Occasionally, I will lay out on the beach with a lip peeking out. Which is very easy to do in my micro zipper thong.

Hubby’s fantasy is for me to lay out on the beach in front of one of the houses being rented by a group of college guys. For me to leave my micro thong unzipped so my pussy is showing. Once I have gotten the guys attention, for me to ask them for a beer and join them for drinks. The whole time leaving my bottom unzipped, showing my pussy….and for me to let them touch, eat, and even fuck me if they want.

My Thick Russian Cock tail

All our kids were gone for the weekend and hubby was looking to find me my first thick cock.  Friday night we made a post on an adult site that we used to be on and set up the playdate for Saturday afternoon.  He showed up around 5pm, he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts (I was wearing a black micro dress with a deep v cut that showed to my belly button).  We all sat around having drinks and chatting for a 1hr or so.  He was actually a foreign exchange student from Russia.  Once we all felt comfortable we headed into the bedroom and get undressed.  His pictures didn’t do him justice, I could tell he was big sitting in those shorts but still wasn’t expecting to see one the size of a soda can.  I laid down on the bed and placed hubby’s cock in my mouth while hubby held my ankles, leaving me spread for our new friend.  He started touching and rubbing my inner thighs, then slowly kissed his way down, licking my lips.  Then my clit, (started out soft and slow then got faster) as I started to go He sucked my clit and gave a gentle bite…. 

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Bar pickup made for an amazing time

Hubby loves taking me out for drinks and showing me off.  I normally wear a summer or mini dress with no bra or panties, and we always sit at the bar so I can give little peeks to guys close by.  On one of these nights out, I caught the eye of a guy sitting at the bar.  Next thing we knew he had moved closer and had started buying our drinks.  After talking for a while, he came out and told us he was in town for work and had a hotel room.  You could tell he was wanting me (I was sitting turned towards him with my legs crossed but each time I went to the restroom I would give him a little peek of my shaved pussy, not counting the top of the dress was kind of loose fitting so when I turned just right you could see down and make out my nipples).  We had been talking with him for about an hour and a half, when hubby decided to head to the bathroom to give him a chance to hit on me or say something to me, but to his shock he followed hubby to the bathroom.  While they were washing their hands, the guy started telling hubby how sexy I looked.  So hubby asked him if he would like to flow us back to our house. He said he would love to.  So we paid and he followed us to our house. We came in, sat and talked for a few more minutes then hubby asked me to model some dresses for them.  I had modeled around 10 for them (walking in, bending over, etc.) When hubby told me to get the guy hard. So I walk over, turn around and bend over, just about sticking my pussy in this guy’s face.  Then I stood back up and asked ” like that”?  Hubby said “no” that I needed to take it out and play with it.  I got the guy’s dick out and was playing and licking it. Once I had him like a rock hubby told me to go get comfortable.  I went and put on my white silk nightgown that is above the knee in length, then went back to join them, sitting down between Hubby and our new friend. Hubby then started rubbing on my leg and joked that that wasn’t what he meant by getting comfortable, and proceeded in sliding my grown off.  Hubby and the other guy began kissing and rubbing on me, I was getting really worked up so hubby suggested we head into the bedroom.  As we walked into the bedroom hubby told me to get my rabbit while they got undressed.  I got it and laid in the middle of the bed. Hubby directed the guy to kiss, and rub all over me while he did the same.  It didn’t take me long to go with the 2 of them kissing and rubbing all over me while I used the rabbit.  After that they took turns fucking me while I gave the other a bj. Next thing I know, they were DVP (Double Vaginal Penetration) me,  and then from that to DP (Double Penetration).  Before we knew it, it was 4:00am.  It was a blast. I ended up going 7 times and hubby and the other guy 3 a piece.

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Playing strip pool at a party

We got invited to a party one night and we both wanted to get out and have some fun. When we got there it was a total “sausage fest”. There were a total of 10 people there with me being the only female. Everyone was cool and laid back, so we decided to stay and have a few drinks, and shoot some pool. After about an hour of drinks and shooting pool, Hubby decided to see if anyone else would like to play. I was wearing a blue jean mini skirt ( no panties), and a white burn out t-shirt (no bra). So hubby asked “who would like to play strip pool with me”. One guy just about broke his neck trying to get to the table. I ended up losing the 1st game, and had to remove my shirt. It was so hot watching those guys staring and wanting me. I managed to win the next 3 games, the guys just couldn’t keep focused. And then it happened I lost the 5th game, now I was completely naked in a room of 9 guys. When all of a sudden hubby asked the room, “who wants to play for her pussy?” So for the next few games, He watched as I shot pool naked for my pussy. I kept working my body, bending in front of them and backing up against them. I could see every guy in the room getting hard. Then it came back to the guy I had lost to the 1st time, you could tell how bad he was wanting me. [He just had the 8 ball to go, and I still had 5 balls on the table. He had a simple straight shot left, and while he was getting ready to take it, I walked up behind him, stepped across his pool stick, and rubbed my pussy against his hand. Then it happened, he lost focus and scratched on the 8 ball.] The next thing I know hubby walked over, picked me up and laid me down on the pool table and began to eat my pussy while everyone watched. Then hubby started kissing his way to my breast while pulling a condom from his pocket and tossed it to the guy that had just lost. Hubby then pulled my legs wide open so everyone could see my shaved pussy, and invited the guy that had just scratched, to fuck me. Everyone stood around and watched as hubby kissed on my breast and the other guy fucked me. After a few mins, hubby rolled me over, having me take the guy’s load while I sucked him off. Hubby’s only regret for that night is he didn’t allow everyone to have a turn in my pussy.

Hubby sent me to fuck his friend.

Rules for this night was I had to fuck his friend, get a picture of his friends dick in me….and fuck anyone else that was there that wanted my pussy. No condoms, Couldn’t clean up afterwards and had to come home filled.

His friend races, it was a race night and normally after the race he and his race buddies have a bonfire and drink….

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