Aunt Keri gets a new Master (fiction, incest)

“Watch out for Boots!”

“Oh shit!”

The cat screeched as my nephew stepped on its tail, running between his legs. He tripped and dropped the dresser he was carrying into my bedroom, it’s contents spilling wildly onto the floor.

“Sorry aunt Keri, I didn’t see him there.”

I was a bit shocked no one came to see what the loud thud was, but the family Christmas party downstairs was as raucous as ever. My family was a big one, and our parties tended to get wild enough we’ve had neighbors complain before.

“It’s OK Sam, you couldn’t have seen him with that big thing in your hands.”

Sure enough the dresser was a large one, but my sister’s son has always been an athletic boy, his 6’1 frame lean and muscled even as a boy, something his recent time in the Marines had only amplified. He was a handsome slab of muscle these days, on leave for the holiday. When I had mentioned to him I was thinking about moving the dresser out of the guest room, he had simply lifted it up; and asked where I wanted it.

A mother’s reflections (fiction)

It would happen again tonight she knew. It had happened every night for the last two weeks. That’s when she had learned about her son’s nightly ritual, which had in turn led to her own. She waited in anticipating for the door to open.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror next to her bed, the moonlight coming in from the window revealed her naked form in the mirror. She saw the look of anticipation and excitement on her face, reveling in the physical responeses of her body, while still being amazed as to why.

She had thought of removing the mirror not that long ago. It had been a painful reminder of the times she had watched herself, and her late husband David make love in the mirror. These were happy times, she had thought they would never return. That was until the night she saw her son in the mirror.

(Two weeks ago)

Categorized as Erotica