King’s Court

I turn the key to our front door with a long sigh. It has been exactly 5 days since I have last been allowed to touch myself, let alone cum, and the long work day I just suffered through has only made the situation worse. I take a deep breath before walking inside, fully aware that I have at least another 24 hours left on my punishment for the stunt I pulled last week (I still argue that if you don’t want me to find loopholes in rules, don’t make them so easy to loophole, but…).

I am slightly startled to find you standing calmly in the entryway, dangling a thin piece of lacey fabric from your finger as your eyes meet my confused stare. “Meet me in the living room. 5 minutes.” I hesitantly take the item from your hand and try to stifle my smile when I whisper “yes sir” and side-step around you to the guest bath. You have always found such unique ways to keep me on my toes. Maybe I am finally getting off early for good behavior? What a suspicious thought. You were never one to let me off easy. I open my palm to see a bra and panty set in a matching dark red color. An interesting choice, since you know that pink makes me feel the most yours and red makes me feel…well…a way that wouldn’t get me anywhere with someone as dominant as you. I change into the outfit quickly and struggle with a momentary dilemma as to if I should leave my hair up or take it down. I ultimately pull the hair tie from my head as I make my way to the living room.

Categorized as Erotica

Stay At Home Orders

The sound of you adjusting a chair in the dining room snaps me back from a too-long daydream session. Quarantine is stretching into week 3 and I feel like I might go full zombie status soon with the number of hours I’ve spent staring idly at viral videos just to pass the time. I rest my phone in my lap and notice the glass of whiskey you placed on the table. “Oh, is it Friday already?” I ask curiously. You chuckle and nod your head as you struggle to get your laptop charger to plug in the correct way. Friday evenings have found a new routine during stay-at-home orders; you have a fun and exciting drinking party over video chat with your friends while I fall asleep on the couch watching yet another documentary on Netflix. I mentally scroll through my remaining options as I head to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine for myself. I’m slightly startled by the feeling of your hands touching my waist followed by the weight of your body pushing me against the counter. I lean my head back into your shoulder and smile in anticipation as you grip my hips tightly. You can’t imagine my frustration when your fingers relax and you kiss my back sweetly before returning to the table to start your call. I stare longingly at your lap until I hear the symphony of half-drunken hellos erupting from your speakers. You laugh loudly while trying to untangle your headphones. I’ve always loved your laugh, I never knew that such an innocent thing could be one of the sexiest and enticing sounds on the planet. I think about the first time I heard it, the first time we kissed, the first time you touched me. My body shivers for a second before I make my way over to you. I hug you from behind and giggle as your friends all shout my name excitedly. “Hi guys, just wanted to pop in before I head to bed.” They talk over one another as I kiss your temple and step out of camera’s view. It takes less than a minute for one of your friends to chime in about an upcoming video game–a weekly debate. You finally plug your headphones in and join the conversation. I quietly place my wine glass on the other end of the table and slink underneath.